Farm Heros Saga
Why can't I receive lives from my friends in Farm Heros Saga? I know they are sending them. HELP!!!!!
Free Lives
Why is it that my message folder contains free lives sent by friends, but at the end of the day I leave Farm Heroes leaving many there but when I come to play the next day, there are none in my folder anymore? I understand the game play of receiving beans versus request for lives depending on your amount on hand at the…
At my next level and a green check mark aoppeared. I cannot advance. Thanks for help.
I have been trying to advance to my next level but it is not "glowing" and there is a green check mark on the site and I cannot advance. It has been days and it just won't let me go any further. I sure would appreciate any help I an get
Games not within centre window
I have a new computer with Windows 8 and I can't play most of the games. The games seem to be too big to fit in the window I don't get the left side or the bottom of the game panel. I tried updating the flash player, but that didn't help. I didn't have these problems with Windows 7
Didn't get a three star animal!!!
Hello, I was surprised when I did 3 stars in an animal level, and didn't get the animal, found out when it told me to go to the animal level to get the third card at level 362, please provide the animal card for me, ThanQ for your help PS. Are you going to develop farm heroes for windows phone?
how do I see the answers to others question?
I want to know how to access the answers to other people's questions. what do we have to enter at least 80 characters.
I have been stuck on level 443 for awhile, how do I beat it
I have been playing this level for awhile and I am getting frustrated that I can't beat it. Any help would be appreciated
Why are my magic beans not working??
My magic beans have no effect on rancid at all.. I just noticed it tonight, so there is no telling how many beans I've used for nothing.. Please how can I fix this??
Is this a glitch?
i could repeatedly purchase shovel for more than one time by clicking fast (repeating the two steps of buying shovel by using magic beans), mostly two times, but rarely three or four, making the number of my shovel booster to 6 to 12 in just one game. no joke (i'm polite this time, no swear words, i hope you're happy now!)
how can I finally get my polar bear?
I have been playing level 66 repeatedly trying to get past two stars! Are there any tricks or secrets that can help? I want my polar bear! Thanks all!