How do I pass level 270 ?
Can't seem to get passed the spider webs in time. No matter what I try I am still stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Farm heroes game
I can't seem to locate the game find the Carrots on my iPad. I did get an email from King.com that it was available this weekend for 48 hours. I thought I might like to try to play it. Is there anyone that could possibly help me out with issue. If so I would greatly appreciate your doing so. Thank you, Terri
How do I play for carrots this weekend. There is no icon,my device is compatible, I'm over level 120
Cannot play carrot rescue. My device is compatible and I'm past level 120. What else do I need to do.
App crash when I'm plating.
When i play THE game it chashes liften before i start and somthimes during THE play. Not Nice!
Save the carrots challenge
i recently participated in the Save Thr Carrots challenge which had 9 levels. After completing the 9th level, their is a box with balloons coming out. It was a times challenge and I finished all 9 levels at 4am, but nothing happened afterwards. The 9th level stayed highlighted showing that I had earned three stars but at…
I am playing Farm Heroes for months now but when I ask for lives I only get beans.
I never ever receive any lives, only beans beans and more beans. So when my lives are gone, I ask for a live, but it never comes. therefore I think that my friends on King aren't receiving my question or they are not able to sent me what i asked for.
Lost beans and runners
I updated the game yesterday and lost all my beans. I had over 30,000 now at 600. I also had 4 runners and 4 tractors. Lost it all. Can't seem to get a answer from anyone. Also I am not receiving life's that friends are sending. Please help s
how do I pass level 63?
I've been stuck here for many hours. I never can get below around 25%. How do I gain more pointz?
Why can't this game remember who I send requests to?
Whenever I send requests to my friends, the game continually asks for permission to do so, even though I check the box saying don't ask again. Why is this?
When I play Farm Heroes on King, I never receive any lives, just lots and lots (100.000) of beans.
What can one do with all those beans, except use some when defeating Walgi ?