How do I claim my rewards
How do I claim my rewards
Issues with TEAMS
When teams were first offered, I set one up and when nobody joined after a couple of days I left my team so I could just join another one. That turned out to be a mistake because all the suggested teams that were offered to me were already full and even though people asked for members for their teams on the boards here, Iā¦
Level 865 bug?
Level 865 bug with shell, how to finish?
Is there a tag as someone who has played the game for 8 consecutive years?
I'm a veteran actor and I wanted to know Is there a tag as someone who has played the game for 8 consecutive years?
Account name
Is there any way that I can correct my account name?
Edited by CM: š¤ Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
Edited by CM: š¤ Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
How to post
How to post?
Email verification
I was i structed ti verify my email, I have checked my email and nothing is going through.
My game progress has disappeared.
Hello, my FaceBook account was deleted for unexplained reasons a year ago. My game was linked to an erased FaceBook account. At the beginning I didn't remember that the game was connected to the old account, because I could play normally, but a few days ago I was logged out and I cannot log in to my previous account. Iā¦
Final off game doesnt start
When i start the game it says that de final off the farmevent has started.But i dont see it on the screen and when i play its not counting strawberries. Pleas hep me