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Level 3
almost every crown on level 46 is outside the main board or on rare letters and on vine letters 70 percent are rare letters and once i had 5 z's in vines one one board and every mousetrap blocks the cheese paths even when i get rid of them except for one it blocks the xheese paths
Are you sure it's level 46? Didn't see any vines when I played through that level. Anyway I think you just got unlucky there as each time you play a level the tiles are changed around, if you play a level that always has the same starting tiles, then I think there might be an issue.
level 46 doesnt have vines but every vines levels have most of the vines have uncommon letters
Ah ok, it's true that the generated crowns have a tendency to go to the letters on the outside, but when you get one in the main square and set it off, it will usually go to a crowned tile on the outside and create a chain effect. Just try make as many four letter words as you can. Good luck with itlevel 46 doesnt have vines but every vines levels have most of the vines have uncommon letters