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Not getting lives or beans?

Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
As far as the studio is concerned this is a tricky area because it should be working and for many players it is. 
Since its hard to find a balance between getting beans and lives the studio changed it so that when you request a life, you only get a life back if it is returned while you are still online. If you are offline, it turns into magic beans instead. 
Some players are reporting issues getting anything though and the common culprit seems to be Facebook. This is where we need your help. 
In order to see if there is a game issue or a Facebook issue with the requests getting through, we need as many people as we can to report it with the details the studio will need to investigate. 
So if you are having a problem getting lives or beans only  and have tried the troubleshooting  given here (for all other issues please see other threads or start a new one please) could you let us know if :

  • You are playing on iOS or Android
  • Which device you are using (make and model please not just iphone or Samsung)
  • The app version you are playing on (you can find this in the app store in the app details if you are not sure where to look)
Thank you for your help!

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