If you play on mobile, the game features 2560 levels so this means the next episode is not open yet on mobile. We don't know when it will be updated so you need to keep an eye on the App Store.
If you have access to a PC, you can play trough Facebook which has 2575 levels available.
If you play on mobile, the game features 2560 levels so this means the next episode is not open yet on mobile. We don't know when it will be updated so you need to keep an eye on the App Store.
If you have access to a PC, you can play trough Facebook which has 2575 levels available.
I use ipad and have no access to a pc since I have recently moved. I have been playing this game for years and it seems to be getting more and more complicated and restrictive to use. Unfortunately. I have always used my i pad and now I am limited !? I love this game but am now getting increasingly annoyed and frustrated.