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How do I get my picture back on my farm hero saga

OwlQueen12345 Posts: 5

Level 1

edited August 2019 in Support
How do I get my picture back on my farm hero saga


  • OwlQueen12345
    OwlQueen12345 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    edited August 2019
    How do I get my picture back on my farm hero saga
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Welcome to our Community @OwlQueen12345😃

    We'll need a little bit more details so we can help. Are you playing on a mobile device and if yes, is your game Facebook or Kingdom connected? 

  • OwlQueen12345
    OwlQueen12345 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    hi queen B. I accidentally deleted my game instead of something else n now I have too re do everything from the beginning when I worked so hard too get too level 200. N yes I am playing on my phone n it's not Facebook. IDK what u mean by Kingdome connected ??? N thank u again 4 helping me n hope u have a great day from owl Queen 😃😃
  • OwlQueen12345
    OwlQueen12345 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Hi Queen B. The letter I sent too you was 4 the game called bubble witch saga n I n for got too mention that n the message ??? N I was on leave 30 or or something n farm hero saga n I lost all my points n my beans n gold bars n everything. So now I have too start over which I actudentlly deleted my game 4 something else 😵😵😵 hope u have a good day n thanks again Queen B. From owl Queen 😃😃 
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Ok, so you have now lost your game progress on Farm Heroes Saga and Bubble Witch Saga? If yes, is it Bubble Witch Saga 1, 2 or 3?

    If you haven't been playing these two games connected to Facebook or Kingdom before, then your progress is lost so we'll have to manually restore it for you.

    All you need to do is connect the games to your Facebook account if you have one and if you wish to use Facebook to backup your game and provide me the User ID for the game which you can find here

    If you don't wish to use Facebook, you have the Kingdom option. Kingdom is our own platform which is the orange icon you'll find when you select the cog wheel/settings on the game app ( the User ID link will help you find the orange Kingdom icon).

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