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Daily rewards.

Aztek63 Posts: 2

Level 1

I have been a player of this game for years, and really enjoy it, but why is it that when it comes to claiming the daily rewards, (especially the final one with the best goodies) does it skip and start at the beginning again?

I play every day and not getting the rewards is a bit of a pain.

Any ideas as to why this happens?


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Welcome to our Community @Aztek63😃

    The only way for the Daily calendar to reset is if you miss a day and that can happen, the thing is that you will not noticed this before you get to the final one and that it skips.

    I'll be happy to check this out for you if you can provide me your Game ID

    Thanks :)
  • Aztek63
    Aztek63 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi and many thanks for your reply.

    I play the game every day, sometimes more than once as I wait for my lives to regenerate, so find it highly unlikely to skip a day as you suggest.

    As for my Gamer ID, 1016411932.

  • OwlQueen12345
    OwlQueen12345 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    How do I get gold bars n rewards on here n and in the games that we play as well 
  • Because need in boosters.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    I usually find that as long as you don't leave it till too late in the day to claim  its ok. I try to make sure I claim it either as soon as it switches (which is usually 11-m for me) or as early as I can the next morning and can honestly say the only time that I have missed it, is when I have not played for a few days if I have been away. 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    Hi @OwlQueen12345 you get gold by buying it with cash as its a premium currency. If you have the piggy bank, you can buy it using that at a cheaper price, or sometimes offers come up.
    Other than that if you don't want to (or can't)  pay, you don't need to buy it, as all levels can be passed without spending a penny :) 
  • Abbeycathome33
    Abbeycathome33 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thank u n how do I get my username and password back too like it was b4 so I don't have too keep making a new password and username every time I come n and it asked me too log in as well. How do I get my nickname n picture n farm hero saga again ???? 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    Hi @Abbeycathome33 is this when you try to log into the community site or on to the game site? 
  • Abbeycathome33
    Abbeycathome33 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It's saying that I need too click here too resend my email n when I do it's not going anywhere n it's not going away n not letting me choose my icon or check my mail from others on here n what not 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    That sounds like a technical issue. I am going to tag @QueenB for that too . You have checked the email box for the email you registered with the site? It might need to verify itself. 

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