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How could I find my member ID???

Joe_monnie Posts: 8

Level 2

 =) and passing levels without Any special GOODIES on the level I'm on is impossible! Thanks much appreciated. 


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Hi there@Joe_monnie 😃

    Do you mean how you can find your User/Game ID? This link will help you out. 
  • JirohHalili06
    JirohHalili06 Posts: 0


     =) and passing levels without Any special GOODIES on the level I'm on is impossible! Thanks much appreciated. >
    To find your User ID for Facebook, open the game on Facebook then scroll down to the end then click Find My ID. You can take it down notes your ID just in case you need support. If you're playing on, I'm not sure how to look for it for now.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Joe_monnie and @JirohHalili06, Hearty Welcome to the Farm Heroes section of our friendly King Community :)

    When you said "Member's ID" -- if it game user ID number :: 

    1) If you are logged into the game through Kingdom account, here is the link

    2) If you are logged through Facebook, here is a link  -- we do not have to open the game App to find our ID :+1: 

    @Joe_monnie, you said you are not able to pass a level!!  May I know which level it is?  May be I can help with any tips & suggestions I can find!!

    ** To write back, tap on "Type your Comment" box located below.  

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great week ahead!

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