POSITIVE comments only please on this thread, we have tons of posts dedicated to issues and grumbles. Lets remember why we love our game, why we stick with our game and what makes us happy. Any happy comments about it welcome, any experiences, nice memories anything happy related to the game.
Rancid has a special crop feed for any negative comments that makes everything grumpy so keep it nice!

So what keeps me coming back despite the hours and months stuck on a level? What has had me roll about like a lunatic, in which case Mr Slayer thought there was something medically wrong, for passing a really repetitive level after weeks, so long when I did pass it was anti climatic. Luckily there are not many levels like that, so the levels that are fun, are challenging keep me coming back. I mean...who is going to let a smarmy raccoon get the better of them right?!
Farm Heroes is the ONLY game EVER that I keep the sounds on. I mute the music as I play a lot but I love to hear the little sounds especially the ones the crops make when they have a shuffle. They sort of go woooooooo and sound all dizzy.
I love the bulls! I love the spiders. The bulls especially are like little puzzles of their own.
So what keeps you coming back for more?