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Problem sending lives



  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited October 2019

    I have now reinstalled again. And it still the same. And I guess the userid I got just now also are a guestacount. ID 10943377931 (have log out again and then I got another one don´t remeber that, It seems I get a new for every time I log out then log on)

    I played farm hero on my old mobile for years. When I got a new mobile I didn´t want to start on level one. So I found instructions how to do, so I could get the game on my new one.

    I looked on my old one and the userid there are 10943364614 That should be the right one.
    I have now logged out from that mobile. I logged out on that one before I reinstalled, thougt that I should get that userid, but no.

    Or is it so that I have to be logged in on old one when I log in on the new one, I was that when I first installed the game.

    I had updated farm heros (before I read your reply of today) to the new version that came today. So today I have version 5.26.9

    So reinstalling don´t works.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited October 2019
    @QueenB I got a new problem that I don´t know if it was related. I couldn´t open the event. Direct when I clicked on the event box, farm heros crached. I sent feedback. (three times)

    But I did reinstalled the game a third time. That made the event work again.
    But the original problem is still the same.

    I get a new userid, I guess that even this is a guest acount. This time it is 10944241255

    So it doesn´t matter what I do. I can´t get the right userid. Can you get me the right userid since you wrote that you know what the real one are. If it now is that I have a guest acount that makes the problem. I´m not so sure about that. The problem started after I updated the game to version 5.26.7 october 8 and I haven´t logged out from the game since I installed it and that more then a year ago. So why should it be a problem now.

    Even if the user id not the problem I would like to have my real userid.

    I haven´t tried if it works if I´m logged in at the same time whit the old one. That game hasen´t been updated in a long time and I don´t know if it´s even possible to get updates to the game on that one. That one are a LG G2 Version android 4.4.2.
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    @QueenB I have taken screenshots. And I have taken on the original problem. But also to show that it´s something wrong. Either on the game it self or just on the layout. Not even easy to explain in my own language, but I try.

    First picture. The 4 picture to the left shows how it looks the first time I open the mail to send lives. The 2 picture to the right how it looks when I open the mail later.

    Second picture. The one to the left shows when I logged out. That´s a mix of the old and the new layout. Not only that. If you look to the left you see the box/picture of the chapterrace and my level number is there. So in that it looks like I´m both logged in and out.

    The picture to the right (in picture 2). When I passed a level and click on button next (to go to next level) Just when the game reload you see things on the top of the game that shouldn´t be there. Like you see numbers behind the word fullt. And the goldbar has only numbers. And the mail have the red dot and the number 99 in. This shows just for a split secund and then it goes to normal. All the buttons are gone, but I think thats normal because the game are reloading.

    And the event is broken for me. Don´t want to reinstall again to try to fix that. And I saw someone else that have problem with the event. Maybe that the same reason why sending lives not working as it should.

    And I probably have another userid right now. Forgot to check before I logged on.

    I guess that you will send atleast the second picture to those how fixes problems. Because in those picture you see that something are wrong. And maybe they can figure out what just by looking on those.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Thank you @piaandersson!

    So I've had PLayer Support looking into this and something is going on with your game but that is by looking at your last screenshots. 

    As for the pop up showing up empty, this is supposed to happen so it is not an issue. While being connected to the King account, after sending/receiving lives to players a couple of times, the pop up will show up again empty but after a few hours. it should show up again with names on it.

    Now they have noticed that your game is not merged to one User ID so they have asked if you could reinstall the game app again and clear the Google Play Store cache before installing the game app again and connect it to your Gmail account. 

    First delete the game app and then reset the Settings in the Google Play Store app:

    -Go to apps and find the app called 'Settings'
    -Locate the menu called 'Apps' or 'Application Manager' depending on the device model
    -Scroll down until you find the 'Google Play Store'
    -From here click on 'Clear cache' then 'Uninstall updates’ and finally 'Clear data'. Please notice that you will get a warning when clicking the 'Clear data' button - don't worry as it's just a reset.

    Restart the device and download the game again. Then open the game and reconnect it to your Facebook or Kingdom account to get back your played levels and Gold Bars.
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited October 2019

    In picture 1 The 4 to the left I know that they should look like that because that how they have been before. And they had looked like that every time I got in to the mail in the past. And they look like that the first time I get in on the mail. But only the first time.

    The two to the right in picture 1 that are wrong. They should not be there. And the only way I can get ridd of them are to clear cache.

    Now I had done what you asked. And all problem I have written about are still the same.

    I said earlier that reinstalling don´t work. And It didn´t do that this time either. Now I have reinstalled Is it four or five times. The problem are on your side not mine. And it started with the update that came october 3.

    My userid this time are 10951797193 I guess thats a guest acount.
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    @QueenB I logged on on the computer to try ta pass a level there.

    There I saw a box that said confirm mail. But it had the marker you get when it´s ok/done. But I clicked on that. And then it turn to said sent mail.
    I logged in on my mail and I had got a mail from king that welcomed me. But thats the same kind of mail I got when I registreted before.

    So I thougt that maybe that something got wrong the first time and I now was registreted correct.
    So I did the same thing that I did earlier today of reinstalling as you asked. But all the same. And I still getting different userid every time I logging on.

    When I registreted the first time. It came a question if it was a real mailadress. I confirmed that it was real.

    Don´t you accept adress. Is that the reason that I haven´t got a userid that´s mine. If you don´t accept gmail you should had sent me a mail that said so. Or you just should denied me an acount.

    But even if I don´t have a correct userid the game should work.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Thanks, @piaandersson!

    Player Support would like you to please send them an email here. Make sure you use the following email: as this is the email associated with your game so they can have a closer look. 

    Let me know when you've done this so I can give them a heads up. 

    Thanks :) 

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited October 2019
    @QueenB I have sent the mail now. It said that I could shose language so I sent in my own language swedish. Maybe that was wrong. Well I guess I see if I get an answer in the mail.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776
    Great :)

    Now you've might have received an automated response so just copy what you wrote on your first message and reply back to the automated email.

    This way, a Swedish Player Support will pick this up, but it might take some hours 😉
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited October 2019
    Yes I got that. I thought they would wright another one to me because it says they will contact me. But I have now sent a reply like you said.
    But in the mail from you it said that one should answer above your mail. But in gmail you can´t choose where you wright so my mail are below. So I just wait now then and see what they say.

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