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Mother Hen is back 🐔 - Win Golden Egg!



  • I've just finished 10 levels but still nothing 😅
  • Thanks for the hopeful information @piaandersson! 🙂
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,877
    I’ve had pop up after pop up last one was you got the gold key pressed on it nothing so I think I’ll just wait and see what happens 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi all. I updated both of my devices a couple of days before there was an announcement on these forums. So maybe that's why I haven't seen anything. I will try what was suggested and restarting the devices. And if that doesn't help, I will try log out and back it to see what happens. Wish me luck!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    So I restated the devices, logged out and back in and even uninstalled and reinstalled. Still nothing. maybe n the next competition...
  • Diad
    Diad Posts: 57

    Level 3

    I got a pop up saying I got the gold key but no events this weekend. Hopefully I'll get the event for the golden egg!
  • @BQN537 and @Diad

    I can´t say when your event will start since it seems to start on different times.

    In the popup when you got the key it said wich day it starts for you. If you had the same as me it starts on november 14. But from what I understand from another that written in this thread you will get a popup that says that you should update and it will also say which level you shell play.

    If you go to page one of this thread and scroll down almost to the end it shows a popup, and I think yours will look the same or atleast look like that. So if it works like I think read that popup carefully because the event will not be in the usuall place.
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,877
    I have passed 6 levels now and I got this so maybe that’s the key
  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,877
    Sorry guys but the sixth level I passed was a treasure chest but it opened and gave me a key but no chicken 🐓 Quest won’t open so confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ now 
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @BQN537 No that´s not it.

    If you look on my picture of my golden key. That how the key looks like. And in that one it has a date when it starts (for me it starts november 14). You wrote higer up that you got the key. So if your key looked like that, you have to wait to you get a popup that probably looks like the second picture I put in. If I should guess you have to wait to next week before your event starts. And you have to read the popup carefull because it says what you shell do. Update and then play that level that are in your popup. Wich level one shell play will probably bee different for all of us.

    I have borrow the (second picture) that another one put in on page one. If it´s not ok to do this the moderator can take away the picture.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?