@QueenB Here are the screenshoot of level 844. You see the level in background that it is the same as in the video. And like I said it should not be a eggcrackerbooster there.
It´s not possible for me to check all levels due to just having 5 lifes at the time. But since it now turn up in totaly wrong place it can be more like that, just I haven´t seen them yet. And so far it is just the eggcracker turtioal that are wrong.
I've passed this on to the Studio but they wanted to check if you have the latest game app version installed as they just did an update. I just need to confirm the version.
@QueenB I still have the same version 5.27.9 that came november 4 according to play store. Checked play store and there are no new one yet for me. I usually get the update a couple of days after it´s released. So just have to wait then and see when I get the new one.
@Rancid No, the eggcracker booster just cracks eggs.
I found a sajt on the net, play console help. That says the rewiev of the app/update can take up to 7 days before it is released in play store after you have put it out for publicing. And on the sajt it is also information that says how you can chose how it will be relased. That everyone will get it on the same time or if you put it out in parts. It you will release it in part that can take time for everyone to get it.
And when I was looking for information (how long it take before the update are publiced) I also saw that you could ask/tell them to do the rewiev faster. How much faster it would be publiced I don´t know but it should be faster then 7 days. But right now I don´t find that part that you can ask/tell them to do the rewiev faster.
So in the future. If you can ask/tell them to do the rewiev faster. Do that when you publice an update that fixes bugs.
It also says that you should be able to see if/when it´s publiced.
The sajt I link to are in swedish but it should be able to get in to english. And the sajt are play console help..
So on wensday it has been 7 days if my counting are correct. So just wait and see if I get in then.
@QueenB Since it´s not wendsday yet maybe I should wait. But have a concern.
I saw in another thread that it should be a new update that should fix another turtioal problem (for the farm club). Looked on my computer on play store. There it says there are a new update today december 10. It don´t say wich version.
Since you have put out a new update I might not get the update that I´m waiting for. Because if I understand what it said in the link that that update will now be cancelled so no more players get that one.
The fix/update I´m waiting for on the eggcracker turtioal is that one included in the new update that now is up for rewiev. If it is then I will have the fix, but could have to wait for another 5-7 days. If it´s not included this update will not fix eggcracker turtioal.
Can you check that the fix for eggcracker turtioal are in the update for december 10.
@QueenB Please don´t say that you have put out another update today december 12.
I went to play store on my computer and it says that farm hero was updated today. If it so it means that I can havet to wait 5-7 days more again counting from today.
You have to check (on play store) that the update you already had put in on play store acctually have been rewiev and rolled out to the one that have the app downloaded from play store.
And it also means tha the players that now have problem whit farm club now will also have to wait longer.
I understand that you will fix problem fast. But you must let the update be rewied and rolled out before you put out new ones.
This no fun when the updates get postponed like this. I would like to go back to play the regular levels. I will only wait this period, that should now end december 19, then I just find me another game.