Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
I live in the St. Louis, MO area. I started playing years ago when my wife brought home a tablet and it had the game on it (she's a teacher). I played it all during that school year, but then she had to turn it in at the end of school. So that's when I bought my first iPad just so I could play Farm Heroes Saga again. It was the only mobile game I played until Farm Heroes Super Saga came out. Then I played that game only. Once in a blue moon I would come back for a game or two of FHS. I just recently started playing it again daily as I no longer play FHSS. I also only recently found the community as I never logged in when I first started playing all those years ago. I've lost much due to that mistake but I still love to play this game.
My twins with their hens
I’m jukel80 from Missouri. I’ve been “farming” for years but most of my friends have given up. Glad to be here!
İm türkiye
Hi @Nannans3 and welcome to our friendly forums. Just make sure your hens are locked up at night, especially if they are good layers.
Thank you Rancid they are good layers!!
Yes they are good layers!!!!