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Boosters removed

kenyaf18 Posts: 8

Level 2

hello I need support I am at level 942 and the boosters I had removed them, they are gray with a padlock. for what is this? How to solve it? thanks.



  • kenyaf18
    kenyaf18 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    hello I need support I am at 
    level 942 and the boosters 
    I had removed them, they are
     gray with a padlock. for what 
    is this? How to solve it? thanks.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,184

    Hello @kenyaf18 Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    I am sorry to hear that the boosters are locked in your game!! Are you playing on a PC or a mobile device?

    NOTE: If you are playing on a PC, close all the browser windows and shutdown your PC for 10-15 minutes. It happened in my game this morning! Something happened and my Lives were 0 without even playing, and all the boosters were locked. That is what I did, and everything was back to normal!!

    If you are playing on a mobile device, here is a solution that was given out for this glitch ---> RE-PLAY the levels in which those boosters are unlocked.

    Here is the list of those levels for you::

    Level # 5 ---> to unlock Shovel;

    Level # 8 ---> to unlock Tractor Booster;

    Level # 13 ---> to unlock +1 Bonus;

    Level # 23 ---> for Hunter (the single colored cropsie collector);

    Level # 31 & Level # 72 ---> for rest of the two boosters

    I am not sure if playing just level # 72 can unlock all of them!! This glitch did not appear in my game yet! Hence, not sure!

    Please post back and let me know if it worked out or not!

  • kenyaf18
    kenyaf18 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I followed your recommendation, and it did not work, but I am playing from my tablet, I do not have boosters, they are locked with a padlock, I am at level 942, any other solution? thanks


    If you are playing on a mobile device, here is a solution that was given out for this glitch ---> RE-PLAY the levels in which those boosters are unlocked.

    Here is the list of those levels for you::

    Level # 5 ---> to unlock Shovel;

    Level # 8 ---> to unlock Tractor Booster;

    Level # 13 ---> to unlock +1 Bonus;

    Level # 23 ---> for Hunter (the single colored cropsie collector);

    Level # 31 & Level # 72 ---> for rest of the two boosters

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,184

    Hello again @kenyaf18

    So, you have played all 6 levels I have mentioned above?

    Did it not help at all? None of the locks on those boosters were opened?

  • kenyaf18
    kenyaf18 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    correct I played the levels that you indicated and I still do not have boosters are padlocked, restart the tablet and delete cookies. I have version 5.35.3

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,184

    OK, Thank you dear @kenyaf18 and also Thank you for your patience.

    I am wondering may be there is some glitch that we cannot fix from our end, But ONLY Studio team can do their magic!!

    You said you are playing on tablet, right! Can you give me your game user ID number? This link will help you ---> Find my ID Number

    I will send this info over to our Farm Community Manager and ask them to look into it.

    Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day!

  • kenyaf18
    kenyaf18 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    If I am playing from the tablet, my game user ID number is 11557713682.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,184

    Thank you @kenyaf18

    Sending the info over to our Community Manager now.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,184

    Hello @kenyaf18

    Do you remember when did this issue start for you?

    If so, please post details about it.

  • kenyaf18
    kenyaf18 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I don't remember anything special one day in between to play and simply the boosters were not there and they have a padlock, I have leveled up and I get a gift booster but I can't see or use them

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?