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boosters removed

kenyaf18 Posts: 8

Level 2

I followed your recommendation, and it did not work, but I am playing from my tablet, I do not have boosters, they are locked with a padlock, I am at level 942, any other solution? thanks

If you are playing on a mobile device, here is a solution that was given out for this glitch ---> RE-PLAY the levels in which those boosters are unlocked.

Here is the list of those levels for you::

Level # 5 ---> to unlock Shovel;

Level # 8 ---> to unlock Tractor Booster;

Level # 13 ---> to unlock +1 Bonus;

Level # 23 ---> for Hunter (the single colored cropsie collector);

Level # 31 & Level # 72 ---> for rest of the two boosters


  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Restart ur tablet, update to latest version n try. Do u have much boosters? If no, uninstall n install to try... do take note that boosters will be reset to 0 once uninstall...

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,206

    Hello @kenyaf18

    Let's continue discussing in your first question, please! Creating multiple threads creates confusion for us and to you to follow up.

    Here is the link for your previous question ---->

    I will close this thread considering it as "Duplicate Post"!

    Thank you for understanding! Please click on the above link in Green Fonts to return to your question.

This discussion has been closed.

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