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🤓 READ before submitting an idea! 💡

QueenB Posts: 15,776
edited October 2021 in Ideas

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Welcome to our awesome Ideation section 🤗

Here you'll be able to vote for the best ideas you'd like to see implemented in the game but also submit your own!

Because you all have great ideas, before posting make sure of a few things to avoid confusion and make sure your opinion gets the best visibility possible:

  • Check if your idea has already been submitted. HERE!
  • Make sure to give as many details as possible so we understand what you mean exactly. Please understand that we can't really do much with ideas such as: More boosters" "More free stuff" or give us more "Gold Bars" and so on. 
  • Give us constructive feedback - This section has been specially conceived for you to give us insights on what could be a great addition to the game. Please make sure you keep the idea doable and reasonable for the Studio to look at it.  


Things to know...

All Ideas are shared with the Studio regardless of how many Votes it gets...

If your Idea doesn't get many votes, don't worry, this doesn't mean your idea is not popular and nothing will come out of it. At the end of the day, it's the studio that will decide if they like it and can do something about it, not the number of votes the idea gets 😉

There is no timeframe for how long an Idea can stay Active!

Any questions, please let the queens know by commenting below! 

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