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It was "not" a bug!

sdmndfghkamcr Posts: 12,780
edited May 2020 in Support

Was it REALLY impossible to move?

Best Answer



  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    U can move. Does the board reshuffle?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    That does seem odd. I will tag @QueenB and @QueenMia and get this looked at.

  • sdmndfghkamcr
    sdmndfghkamcr Posts: 12,780
    Answer ✓

    Here is a another screen shot and is easier to see what you want.Hope it is helpful.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    Don´t remember what level it was for me. But I have had the same, with the flower seed.

    It was a level where I was supposed to make flowers. Only move I could make was a flower seed next to a waterdrop but the game reshuffled saing no more possible moves.

    Android. Gameversion 5.36.3

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @piaandersson if you do remember the level, post that here and we can have that looked at as well.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Rancid The problem are most likely on all levels that have grasseed or flowerseed. The problem turns up when you out of moves accept for making grass or flower.

    Consider that it is seed that has problem it is most likely even the same problem with levels that have hayseed.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @piaandersson I agree with you, it probably is in more levels. But the team needs a level that the problem occured in and then they have to try and replicate the problem. Once they can replicate the problem, then they can sort out a fix.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    Thanks for reporting this 👍️ can you please let me know which level you had this issue on?

    Just like @Rancid mentioned, we need to know any other levels if this is not the first time you're having this issue so I can provide a full report to the studio.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited May 2020

    @QueenB Little stange. Don´t the studio know what levels that have seeds.

    But one level I have had it are 2637 that are whit flower seed. Another flowerseed level are 2581.

    Level I didn´t have problem whit, but have grassedd are 2518. When it came to grasseed rancid levels often has that. So they can try several of them.

    One level whit hayseed are 2787. Didn´t have problem but it is a level.

    But to replicate the problem are tricky because the problem show up when you don´t have any normal crops to match. So it don´t turn up so often. But annoying when it do turns up.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @piaandersson

    Actually, all the levels that have either Flower seed OR Grass seed will not have this issue, hence, the Studio cannot fix it.

    If they know the specific levels, that are having this glitch/bug, they can look into it and see what is happening 🙂

    It was a long time ago... probably a level in 1000's has issue with Hay seed. After that, I have not seen it till now!

    I will play the levels you have mentioned above and see if I encounter this glitch! Once @一氧化二氫 posts their level, I will try that out too 👍️

    If a single player is experiencing it, and other players are not having any issue, then also, Studio cannot do anything, because they cannot reproduce that issue in their end!

    Did I make sense?

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