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This is the kind of problem that with 99.9% sertenty are in all levels that have seed. But it don´t turn up in every level because you need to be out of moves accept a move that have a seed next to a waterdrop. Look at the picture that are in this thread.
First picture show a grassedd next to waterdrop. But the game reshuffled. The next picture look up to the right. There are a flowerseed next to waterdrop but it reshuffled.
When one play level and you are out of moves the games reshuffled. As it should.
This problem, if you don´t have normal crops that you can match but you have seed next to waterdrop it reshuffled. So the game no longer see seed/waterdrop as a possible moven when that´s the only one you can do.
So this problem are one that only turn up under special prerequisites and therfore it is tricky to replicate.
Sometimes errors are caused by a coding mistake in a particular level. Sometimes errors are caused by a coding mistake in a global function.
Have the same!
In few levels
Hi @claudiawojtyla can you please tell us which level you are having problems with?
Dont remember now. But i let you know if this happend again
@Rancid I know that it sometimes are on one specifik levels. But here (can´t write the name) was able to be so quick so he/she could take screenshots. And that on two different levels. So only that show that it is not just one specifik level that has the problem. Then add to that I have it on other levels. So here one can clearly say that it is not just one level.
@piaandersson there are over 3000 levels in FHS. The studio always asks for the level number for any issue. There are just too many levels to check, especially for an issue like this that would only happen on a rare occasion. Just give us some idea, that way there it narrows down the search.
@Rancid I had stoped reading this thread but I needed it now. So that´s why I read it.
The studio can check out the levels I have giving. If they can´t get the problem by playing levels they can tweak levels so the comes to the point/position that they only have one move left. So I have already giving specifik levels. And as I said most rancid levels use to have grasseed and that something they should know since it is them who create the levels, so just check some of those.
Now I´m done whit this thread.
I had this happen on multiple levels. If the Studio needs a specific level, have them check out 3129. This problem happened to me several times on that level. Very frustrating! There are other levels in that same episode that had the same issue -- not recognizing that a flower seed can be matched with a water drop and instead shuffling the board as though there are no moves left. I sympathize with @piaandersson and hope that @Rancid or @QueenB or @QueenMia can help.