Collect flowers for rewards!
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@QueenB day 1 challenge are a crazy one. Encantes played an old level, did not get the reward. Pummyraj clicked on the play button on the popup and was moved to level 15 (old already played level) and got the reward. I have a couple of times have that I get the messages (on old levels) finish in first attempt and get the marker. It hink it can be that thoses levels have been tweaked/changed and then seen as not played.
But then on the other hand. Naia played a new level but didn´t got the reward. I played a new level and got the reward.
Day 2. I had a different one then ohters. Play 5 new levels. I scrolled down and played old levels. And today got the reward for that. So I could play old levels.
Now for day 3 I have the same as melbennett to play 3 new super hard levels. I will play old levels and see if that is ok or not.
And the strange thing. The popups seems to works for me now even if I have to close and open again to get the popup that say what to do. But now it is other players that don´t get the popup.
@suzeq02 Me and melbennett have to play 3 new superhard levels. But as I said in my other post. I will play old super hard levels. You can try that and see if you get the rewards or not.
@piaandersson for your info I played 3 old hard levels. I'll tell you tomorrow 🤗
@QueenMia @QueenB @piaandersson @PummyRaj
Yestarday I played 3 hard old levels and today I received awards, at this point the challenge is confused.
For tomorrow rewards you have to use 3 companions.
Hello dear @piaandersson and @encantes 🤗
Good Morning / Good day to both of you 🌺
I did not have any challenge for yesterday! The only pop-up that kept appearing was "finish the challenges and get prizes" (or something like that). I think I took a screenshot, I will post it in a bit.
For today, I have received the same task as you, Encantes 🙂 Use 3 Companions.
@QueenB I did like @encantes played old levels and like encantes got the reward. So old levels counted.
Now for today I have the same that encantes, use 3 companion. But this one are hard to understand. Is it enough to play one level and the companion gives help 3 times. Or do you have to play 3 levels whit companion. I have played one level there the companion gave help.
@PummyRaj Either try to close totally and then open the game. That how I have to do every day to get what todays challenge is. Otherwise just keep an eye on this thread and see if someone puts in what it is, and then try.
Hello Pia 🤗
What I understood is to use 3 different Companions. Whether it is in a single level or different levels.
Because, by following the Quests -- if we can use one Companion, then it would be mentioned as use a companion, but not use 3 companions. So, it is better to be safe ☺️
And with regards to the pop-up for the challenge -- yep! Closing the App would be our first step to follow, right? And, since I have only Royal Meadow and 8 more levels to play, I have been closing the game once I was out of lives. So, each time I open the game, I was receiving only that single pop-up -- "finish the challenges and get rewards"
Is it may be because I have only 1 more Hard level left in this episode??? Not sure, our Farm Queens have to enlighten us about it 😄
@PummyRaj In the rancid challenge that was before I thougt the same and played both ways. But I don´t trust the information they have in the popups. It says that you should play new levels, but it is ok with old levels. So this time I only do it one way, kind of. Have played two levels that I´ve used companion. Since it only two I will not get the reward if it is that we should use 3 different. If it´s enough whit 3 times in one level I get it. I will see tomorrow what is.
That you only have one hard level left shouldn´t matter since we can play old levels. And there have been players before that haven´t had any levels left that had the challenge. So they don´t look on where you are in the game.
When it comes to your popups. It was one before in rancid that have popups like you. Get one time, but not the other even do he/she had the challenge. So there still need to be some fixing to do with the poupus.