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No Ads or reward like tractor

Poornima143c Posts: 1

Level 1

edited August 2020 in Discussions

Hi Everyone,

I used to previously get ads that would give tractor or shovel as a reward that I could use to play in subsequent games but all of a sudden I stopped getting these advertisements.

Can anyone help me?


  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,441
    edited August 2020

    @Poornima143c Hi and Welcome in this sweetest Community 🍎 🍏 πŸ“

    It happen to me few days ago, I had the ad only for 2 days and it stopped.

    It's the same when you have special events not all the players have it at the same time but are diveded in groups. Sorry about that but if you wont more fun please check here to win some gold bars:

    Tell us what level you're at toΒ Win 30 Gold Bars here

    Share your mood toΒ Win 30 Gold Bars hereΒ 

    I wish you a nice day πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @Poornima143c like @encantes I had it a few days ago then it went away again. I thougt that it was on there way to be for everyone. Maybe that was what they planed but that it turned out to be some kind of problems. So we can only wait and see.

  • SBH
    SBH Posts: 69,476

    I still have ads β€ΌοΈπŸ˜ƒ

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?