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🌟 Tell us how you play Farm Heroes!



  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418
    edited September 2020

    Hi @vama1720 and Welcome in this sweetest Community 🍎 🍏 πŸ“ 🍎 🍏 πŸ“

    Sorry but we use to speak in English, here there are players all over the world is more easier and faster to understand! May you please re-post in English? If can use a translator with your pc or mobile.

    May you re-post in English?

    There is now anΒ international areaΒ for German,French and Spanish

    Many thanks for your understanding πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€—πŸ€—

    Have a nice day 🌞

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hi @QueenMia and Good Morning 🌞 🌞 🌞

    I ❀❀ this game! It's the first and the only one in the King's game.

    I started to play 5 years ago just to have more fun but after a while I realized that it is a very antistress!

    I play every day when I have time especially when I wakeup and before sleeping, my job is with shifts and is easier to have free time. I love all the different crospies, everyone with is features. My preferite are the sheep, I don't love the bulls and mushroom.

    There are a lot of different events and we have the chance to win precious rewards!

    I'm not young, but not old 🀣🀣🀣 medium age and I suggest to all Farm Heroes Saga to reduce your stress level!

    I wish you a lovely day πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  • Hello fellow farmers πŸ‘‹

    I have been playing Farm Heroes for over 5 years now. I would actually like if there was someway that the team could tell me exactly when I started. Anyway, first & foremost, I play because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this game. I am dedicated to FHS because this is the only game that I play. I play this game every chance that I get. If I can’t sleep at night, when I am waiting at a doctors office, or even while waiting on hold on the phone. Playing FHS helps take my mind off of things that I am worried about. FHS is good for the soul! I am proud to be part of the FHS family!


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927

    Hello @QueenMia - I try to play Farm Heroes once a day (usually in the evening because I am busy during the day with work). I like the sense of accomplishment I get when I beat a level especially getting all those sheep to the hay or getting all the bulls to get the roses. However it gets frustrating too when I can't seem to get that last sheep to the hay or accomplish some other last task to complete a level. Especially since I now get Bonnie only on the weekends. So I don't play as many levels as I used to but I still enjoy the game and continue to progress (just more slowly these days).πŸ˜ŠπŸ¨πŸ’•

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972

    Hi everyone and thank you for sharing your experiences πŸ€—These are very interesting and helpful indeed! Don't hesitate to give us plenty of details on how the game makes you feel - If it's helping you in anyway throughout your day or what's your favorite time and place to play πŸ˜‰

    So glad to read that you're enjoying the game as much as we do! Happy playing to you all, don't forget to have fun πŸ’

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325


    i started it for badges but now i love to play this because now i am founding 45 levels only in candy crush saga thatswhy i am playing another games also.

    FHS is One of them.

  • vagnerodrigues
    vagnerodrigues Posts: 36

    Level 3

    edited September 2020

    ** Edited by CM - Unsupported Language **

  • vagnerodrigues
    vagnerodrigues Posts: 36

    Level 3

    edited September 2020

    ** Edited by CM - Unsupported Language **

  • Leny05
    Leny05 Posts: 124

    I love to play this game in every where every time i have i play. Playing this one no stress and is adictive. I am playing farm Heroes Saga for many years and i suggest to my friends.

    Have a good time to Every one farmers.

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972

    Hello @vagnerodrigues @Leny05 πŸ‘‹ Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us πŸ€—

    @vagnerodrigues - Please note thatΒ we only use EnglishΒ on the King Community, to make sure that everyone understand and can be understood. Therefore, please to re-post in English. Thank you πŸ™Β If you speak French, Spanish or German, you can join our International Corner HERE.

    See you around, guys πŸ˜‰

    Happy playing and don't forget to have fun πŸ’

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