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when I got my new phone the games seems to be linking to a false account that is using my phone number only. When I sign into Facebook on a computer....my progress is there. So I tried to make a king account from my computer and it doesn’t carry the progress over when I sign into the app. So frustrating. So I’m not sure now to get my app to pick up on the proper facile book account? Please help?
Hi @LAPCROCK, welcome to the Community!
🔺 Now you might come across issues with retrieving your saved Levels (either on a new device or on your current one). As there are different device types, there are different tips and tricks to get you back on track.
🔺 If you're moving onto a new device make sure to check out our tips here on how to do it successfully.
🔴 If you have not saved the game, it won't be recorded on King's servers which means we can't bring the lost top scores back to you.
Hi and welcome to the community.
On the phone please check below link if your phone is connecting to wrong facebook account.