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Why don't I get ads

Mariazinha1950 Posts: 2

Level 1

Why don't I get ads or events that give me rewards. How can I have them


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    Welcome to our community @Mariazinha1950

    To explain briefly, not everyone gets the events at the same time...and not everyone gets the ads for rewards.

    In order for the game to run smoothly, when a new feature is added, its usually just released to a small percentage of players. Completely random but based on criteria that the studio will decide. From time to time they will likely be moved around to a new control group until testing has been finalised. Then it will either be opened to all players or they might decide it isn't working as they would like and so stopped.

    The same with events, everyone should get some events, but everyone won't get all, depending on which control group you are in. We have no influence over that as its down to the studio.

    However, as you are getting none, do you mean none ever or just none for a while?

    Events are only available on the windows 10 app, mobiles and tablets but not Facebook. So if you are playing through Facebook that will be why you are not seeing them.

    While you are in the community though, we mostly always have some kind of event on where you have the chance to win boosters or gold. At the moment I have a booster contest running which you can find here if you want to have a try 😀

    You can find that here!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    Hello again!

    Just to let you know that right now there is an issue with the ads, so they have been removed from everyone until the issue is fixed 😀

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