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When can we erna some beans?

YvonnePollie Posts: 13

Level 2

I get no extra games to win beans. I can buy to little help/tools to Come any further in the game....

It is no fun anymore 😢

Nice idea that teambuilding but how can you find friends to play with? I read many items here but no answers. Please help me!!!

I play it every day but de latest time you get now beans anymore...sometimes I have to wait for a week to have enough tools too win the leven.

Please help me!

Greetings YvonnePollie

Best Answers

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813
    Answer ✓

    Hi @YvonnePollie 😀

    There are three ways of getting Magic Beans:

    1. You're rewarded with free magic beans when you complete a level. The more stars you score on that level, the more beans you earn.
    2. If you have a maximum of five lives, any lives sent to you by your friends will automatically be converted into magic beans.
    3. You can also participate in our Community contests HERE and get a chance to win Gold bars which can be used to purchase Magic Beans 😉

    Hope this helps!

  • MylaDaveeka
    MylaDaveeka Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Answer ✓


    In what level are you?

    I usually get the beans from the missions on the side menu, i'm always waiting for new levels so i have no option than to replay some previous levels. In some cases it's good to finish the levels in 3 stars if i didn't at first time, and sometimes those extra stars count to other missions too.

    I keep a note on my mobile with the list of the levels more suitable and easy to complete the missions, here it goes:

    Mushrooms: 1112

    Flowers: 299

    Hay: 619

    SnowBalls: 313

    Bombs: 1120

    Grass Seeds: 161

    Flower Seeds: 590

    White Sheep: 619

    Black Sheep: 1031

    Black Spider: 2085

    FireFly: 4118

    Poppy Flower: 706

    Chicken Egg: 73

    Alligator Egg: 115

    Oysters: 1120


    Water Carrots and Apples: 477

    Strawberries, Carrots, Onions and Sun: 299

    Good Luck


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813
    Answer ✓

    Hi @YvonnePollie 😀

    There are three ways of getting Magic Beans:

    1. You're rewarded with free magic beans when you complete a level. The more stars you score on that level, the more beans you earn.
    2. If you have a maximum of five lives, any lives sent to you by your friends will automatically be converted into magic beans.
    3. You can also participate in our Community contests HERE and get a chance to win Gold bars which can be used to purchase Magic Beans 😉

    Hope this helps!

  • MylaDaveeka
    MylaDaveeka Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Answer ✓


    In what level are you?

    I usually get the beans from the missions on the side menu, i'm always waiting for new levels so i have no option than to replay some previous levels. In some cases it's good to finish the levels in 3 stars if i didn't at first time, and sometimes those extra stars count to other missions too.

    I keep a note on my mobile with the list of the levels more suitable and easy to complete the missions, here it goes:

    Mushrooms: 1112

    Flowers: 299

    Hay: 619

    SnowBalls: 313

    Bombs: 1120

    Grass Seeds: 161

    Flower Seeds: 590

    White Sheep: 619

    Black Sheep: 1031

    Black Spider: 2085

    FireFly: 4118

    Poppy Flower: 706

    Chicken Egg: 73

    Alligator Egg: 115

    Oysters: 1120


    Water Carrots and Apples: 477

    Strawberries, Carrots, Onions and Sun: 299

    Good Luck

  • YvonnePollie
    YvonnePollie Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Hai allemaal,

    Ik zit op niveau 2072 maar ik heb veel te weinig bonen om schepjes te kopen.

    Eerst kreeg je ze iedere dag,nu niet meer als in inlogde op fb.

    En er komen bijna nooit meer extra spellen waar je bonen bij kunt winnen.

    Zonder schepjes en soms hulpjes kom je op deze levels echt niet verder en dat is wel balen.

    Ja ik probeer altijd overal 3 sterren te halen, dat vind ik juist leuk om bovenaan te proberen te komen.

    Dus bedankt voor alle tips maar ik heb er weinig aan om verder te komen in het spel.

    Ik doe blijkbaar al alles wat kan.

    Fijn weekend allemaal

    groetjes Yvonne

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