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Moving bosters

looserlove Posts: 1

Level 1

I switched phones and want to know if there is a way to move my boosters from my old phone to my new phone using an SD card? Both phones are SD capable. I have hundreds of boosters and I don't want to start over.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,143

    Hello dear @looserlove 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful Farm King Community!

    Usually, when we change our devices, the boosters won’t be transferred as they are stored on device’s local memory!

    ** The “Players Support Team” will be able to help you, IF there are any purchased boosters. If all of your boosters are earned freely through - Daily Bonus, special events, i Ewing Advertisements, I am afraid the Support Team will not be able to help 😕

    But, through SD card — I could not save my game onto SD card for some reason! You can definitely try and see. If you are able to, then I am guessing you should be able to play with same boosters on your new phone too!

    If you would like to any other questions, please post back by typing in the blank box given below to my comment.

    Thank you for posting in the Community.

    Have a Farmtastic day and great weekend ahead 🐥 🐥 🐥

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