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πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ Persistent Farmer thread because dedication needs acknowledging πŸ₯‡



  • LoveDachs
    LoveDachs Posts: 28,156


    Hi Tracey, sorry didn't realize that I was spelling it wrong all this time.πŸ€— Thank you my friend and you made good points about the game. I too am amazed at how so little of a percentage is taken off even when you triple up on beans.. going up against Rancid. That said is why I'm afraid to see what it would be like if I didn't. πŸ˜… Spoken like a true farmer, yes it is too bad that we can't leave it fallow and just never deem it suitable for planting again... take that Grumpsies! 🀣

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,757


    Dear Dolores no worries about my name, I just have wrote Traci since I was at comprehensive school.

    You explain things very well, I find it hard to do this and often I am very misinterpreted.

  • LoveDachs
    LoveDachs Posts: 28,156
    edited May 2023


    Thank you hon, but I have seen a lot of your posts and I understand perfectly what you are saying. Maybe the problem is with the other people who just don't want to understand.πŸ˜‰πŸ’™

    BTW.. Somehow I misplaced message from you with tip on what to do when not getting events. I saw that and it's a wonderful tip but that's not the problem. I can't do any updates because my phone is so messed up and that's why I'm not getting certain events in all of the games I play. Thank you dear and when I find it I'll tuck it away for possible use in the future. πŸ€—πŸŒΊ

    I had a feeling, should have said so.πŸ˜… That is so cool. I remember seeing one not that long ago that you did and probably others besides that. I usually forget after contest is over except for some of CCL's, cause he was so prolific. Well I think you have quite a talent, this one was so perfect for the theme, and I hope we see a lot more from you.❣️

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    My Dear @Lady_Choo what can I say that hasn’t been said by these wonderful ladies? The hit the nail right on the head!

    I love playing FRS. The cropsies are so cute and the graphics are amazing. I do get stuck on a level from time to time, but I keep trying until I finally beat it. The one and only thing I don’t like is the timed cropsies 😩. I have such a hard time passing those levels. I really appreciate the mods and the players πŸ€—πŸ’–

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    Thankyou @MiladyR you're all so kind πŸ€— I don't like the timed cropsies either. I don't like bombs in any of the games 😭

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,042


    Hello friends πŸ€—

    Where am I from this thread?

    As usual, better late than never 😁

    My beginnings with the farm

    I was having difficulty moving the sheep. I thought it was the worst.

    Especially that he appeared to me in the flower tower event

    I want to finish the event to get the badge and at the same time I'm going crazy, I don't know how to move it. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

    Also the levels of the flower tower were difficult and I am new to the game

    The idea of finishing levels on time is impossible

    I didn't have a lot of boosters, even gold bullion I wasted in failed attempts.

    But until now I don't know how I finished it

    Until the bulls appeared to me

    I knew how silly I was when I found it hard with the sheep

    Bulls all moves do not know how wasted a lot of time and effort in vain

    I even watched many videos on YouTube until I managed it

    And it's no longer an obstacle in my way πŸ’ͺ🏻

    About Rachel

    We don't have any differences although I got a star in most of his levels πŸ€ͺ

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,403

    I love the bulls @Amoonmoon but you are right, they took a lot of working out πŸ˜‚

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,042


    Are you sure about your love for bulls?

    Mmmmmmmmm πŸ€”πŸ€”

    Well I love her too after we went through so many fights and struggles together πŸ€ͺ🀣🀣

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,375

    Hi @Lady_Choo

    I enjoy growing the cropsies. I have a tough time wrangling my sheep and bulls so sometimes I need to take a break from the game. The higher levels are getting very difficult. Bonnie is helpful if you can keep winning (not me usually). The tower "side games" offer a chance to win boosters but the levels are so ridiculously hard I just give up.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?