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Love this thread, I love all of the venting 😅 information and tips.
I started playing about 2 years ago and got hooked right away.🤗 I love the graphics, sounds and the strategy it takes to play. It's not just match 3 or more, you also have to collect a certain amount of cropsies or other items along the way whilst navigating/growing others.
I like the way some levels are pretty much straight forward and others are more complicated like moving bulls, sheep to growing and hatching eggs. I can't say many levels were boring. I love the bulls, spiders and sheep, but hate the mushrooms, snowballs and shells.. most of the time. Oh, how can I forget the grumpy cropsies.. wish I could. 😂 I like how just before you run into one of these obstacles for the first time, there is a tutorial on how they behave and what you have to do. 👍
I forgot the rabbit that used to hop out of their hole and eat nearby carrots.🐇🥕I guess one day they jumped too high and right out of the game. Buh bye...not missed.😁
FHS has its challenges but that is why I love it and keep coming back for the fun and the strategy. It's a good feeling to beat a hard level or Rancid. Probably the most fun of all is when you get 5 of the same in a row which clears all of that cropsie off and then cascading begins. Remember a few levels where you thought that the cascading was never going to stop? I do... but don't recall which levels they were. 😕
I've never been really stuck on a level, have had a lot at times where it took all 5 lives, but not much anymore and I'm in the 2200's so I know there are lots of much harder levels coming my way.😲 I usually use boosters if needed, that's why we have them and there is a strategy to that too, but hardly ever use gold bars.
Other pluses about life on the farm is we have companions (that you have to earn as you play) to help us out on most levels. They don't take that many beans and I like that we have a form of currency /trade commodity to use and they are easy to earn. Good for going up against Rancid, I always triple up against him and to buy shovels when out. Also there are so many events on the farm, and other ways to earn boosters every day. Never a dull moment. 👏🤗
It doesn't hurt either that we have the 3 best mods that host many events and are there if we need help.🥀💮💞
That is one "wicked" badge.. thank you. 💙
@Bellamy32 Here it is my friend. 💜
@LoveDachs Thank you for the tag my friend.💜
Lots to say about FHS.. firstly it’s a game that tested my patience the most 😅 yet I still get determined to beat Rancid and any other obstacles that come along in the game. Some levels I do feel are trickier to pass due to the tasks required vs the amount of moves given. The glitches on the game is frustrating as this can slow the game down and some don’t have solutions to it.
Bonnie is my favourite and so is grow your on cropsie. Anything that helps you get boosters. I’m still below 1000 levels but try to add to my booster collection each time I can. I have never paid for any of the games I play. I also love the farm team I am on even though there is glitches to the chat.
Can rancid end up in jail?😂 then his levels would exist. Unless he has a twin or bribed someone to take over.
I love this game ! I just started playing it so I haven't encountered any hard levels yet
I am glad to hear it! If you need any help in future, just start a thread over on the discussions tab and we will be pleased to help 😉
I wish he could @Bellamy32 I can think of several uses of shovels that all involve rancid bahaha.
Aw @LoveDachs I love your detailed post, I dont miss the rabbit either! And I loved the mods comment too, thank you 🤗
Thank you Tracy.. do I have that right? There are a few Tracy's or Traci's on the farm.😊 I love bunnies but not that one. Hehe I didn't mean for it to be quite that long 😅 but I get passionate about things that I have an interest in or have a view about.
I meant every word about you girls, you truly are the best. Can't wait to see that badge on my wall. 🤣It is sooo cool. 🤗😉
Haha yeah don't worry, that's me. I liked your post cos its nice to read a lot of positive things about the game, I find (myself included) we are quick to complain but not always to compliment, and I am also going to pass it over to our farm queen, I think it would be nice for the studio to see. And I am glad you like the badge, its one of my favourites 🤗
🤣 I am technically a Tracey to add to the mix of Tracee, Tracie.
Rob was cute but a real pain, kinda feel the same about Rancid! Opting for easy with beans is not so easy most of the time where I'm too.
I enjoyed reading your post Dolores, I hate the snow balls too! Shells are OK. I like to play a level first to see which companion would be most suitable. Shrooms you need to match against and they will spawn, they are a pain though when you need shed loads.
Bulls, well they can randomly go the wrong way, but if there is a clear cropsie formation they will do what you herd them.
Grumpy cropsies are a pain, personally I would rotavate the bad patch, leave it fallow.
Ok thanku
Thank you very much Tracy, I'm glad you liked it,...sometimes it's hard to express everything that you're trying to say without it sounding stupid or long-winded.🤗 That's so cool.. I hope the studio likes it too.
I love this badge, got it this morning.. definitely one of my favorites.😉 Kudos to whomever designed it.👏💗