Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
1. Claim your 8th Birthday badge + a chance to Win Gold Bars 🥳= Birthday Cake
2. 👉🍊If you could add a new cropsie what would it be?🍌🍍🍒 = Party Choo Choo
3. 📊 Poll! Vote for your favorite Event in the game! Part 1! = Confetti Firecrackers
4. Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary! 🎂🎊🎁🎉= Confetti Carrot Cropsie
5. Tick tock, tick tock... = Balloons
6. ⛄ Farm Winter Tournament 🏆= Confetti Cropsies
7. 🎁Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts 🤔= Confetti Hunter, Choo Choo & Amelia
8. 📢 BIG NEWS we have a “Go To Level” - Exclusive New Feature 🥕🍏 ☀️= Confetti Carrot Cropsies
Here is my second attempt:
1. Birthday cake in Contest thread "Claim your 8th birthday badge + a chance to Win Gold Bars"
2. Red, yellow, and green balloons in Discussions thread "Tick tock, tick tock..."
3. A carrot cropsie surrounded by confetti and blowing a party horn in Discussion thread "Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary!"
4. Two carrots surrounded by confetti sitting on wall in the Feedback thread "BIG NEWS we have a 'Go To Level' - Exclusive New Feature"
5. 3 firecracker boosters with confetti above the in the Discussion thread "Poll! Vote for your favorite Event in the game! Part 1!"
6. Choo Choo wearing a party hat and holding a party favor in the Discussion thread "If you could add a cropsie what would it be?"
7. 3 carrots, 2 strawberries and 1 onion cropsies with party hats in the Discussion thread "Farm Winter Tournament"
8. Farm Heroes Saga poster with Hunter, Choo Choo and Amelia wearing party hats in the Feedback thread "Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts"
Second Attempt:
1. Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary - Carrot cropsie blowing a party horn
2. Claim your 8th Birthday Badge + a chance to Win Gold Bars - Number 8 candle on a birthday cake
3. Tick tock, tick tock - balloons
4. "BIG NEWS we have a "Go To Level" - Exclusive New Feature - two dancing carrots with party favors
5. Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts - Choo Choo, Hunter and Amelia wearing party hats and 3 presents
6. If you could add a new cropsie what would it be? Choo Choo wearing a party hat
7.Poll! Vote for your favorite Event in the game! Part 1! - Fire Crackers
8.Farm Winter Tournament - Carrots, Strawberries and Onions wearing party hats
@PummyRaj Very challenging, but fun way to celebrate Farm Heroes Saga’s 8th Birthday!
Thanks for those hints, they really helped!
Here are my answers:
Claim your 8th Birthday badge + a chance to Win Gold Bars 🥳: 8th Birthday Cake
Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary! 🎂🎊🎁🎉: Party Carrot (party horn)
Tick tock, tick tock...: Balloons
📢 BIG NEWS we have a “Go To Level” - Exclusive New Feature 🥕🍏 ☀️: Dancing Carrots
🎁Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts 🤔: Hunter, Amelia, and Choo Choo with party hats
👉🍊If you could add a new cropsie what would it be?🍌🍍🍒: Choo Choo with confetti gun and party hat
📊 Poll! Vote for your favorite Event in the game! Part 1!: 3 Fire Crackers
⛄ Farm Winter Tournament 🏆: Carrots, Strawberries, and Onions ready for a party!
Thanks for Clue here my second attempt
Birthday - Claim your 8th Birthday badge + a chance to Win Gold Bars
Party Hunter, Choo Choo, Amelia - Choo Choo Challenge! What are your thoughts
Firecrackers - Poll! Vote for your favorite Event in the game! Part 1!
Party carrots cropsies - BIG NEWS we have a “Go To Level” - Exclusive New Feature
Balloons - Tick tock, tick tock...
Party Choo Choo - If you could add a new cropsie what would it be?
Party carrot cropsies - Farm Winter Tournament
Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary - Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary!
Hi @PummyRaj thank you for the clues 🤗 my second entry
1) Claim your 8th Birthday badge + a chance to win gold bars
2) Celebrate 1st Community Anniversary
3) Poll- vote for favourite event
4) Big News we have a “ Go to level “
5) Farm Winter Tournament
6) Choo Choo's Challenge
7) Tick Tock, Tick Tock…
8) If you could add a new cropsie what would it be?
@PummyRaj this was quite a challenge. I hope I found them all correctly
1. Claim your 8th birthday badge and chance to earn gold...a birthday cake
2.tick tock tick tock....a gift with balloons
3. Choo choo challenge ...amelia choo choo and Hunter have party hats and confetti
4. If you could add a new cropsie what would it be...choo choo has a party hat and a party blower
5. Big news thread....carrots with party blowers
6. Poll vote for your favorite event in the game.. Fire crackers
7. Farm winter tournament ...carrot cropsies and other cropsies celebrating
8. Celebrate 1st community anniversary. Party carrot cropsies
Hello@PummyRaj thanks for tagging me
8th birthday cake https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/363403/claim-your-8th-birthday-badge-a-chance-to-win-gold-bars-%F0%9F%A5%B3/p1
Choo Choo with present https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/332704/if-you-could-add-a-new-cropsie-what-would-it-be/p1
Fire Crackers https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/319217/poll-vote-for-your-favorite-event-in-the-game-part-1/p1
Carrot with whistle https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/271449/celebrate-1st-community-anniversary#latest
balloon https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/270980/tick-tock-tick-tock#latest
onion, carrots and strawberries with party hats and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/357573/farm-winter-tournament#latest
Hunter, Amelie and Choo Choo with party hats and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/306572/choo-choo-challenge-wh at-are-your-thoughts-%F0%9F%A4%94#latest
carrots an the wall with whistle and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/315058/big-news-we-have-a-go-to-level-exclusive-new-feature-%F0%9F%A5%95-%EF%B8%8F#latest
Hello @PummyRaj thanks for tagging me
8th birthday cake https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/363403/claim-your-8th-birthday-badge-a-chance-to-win-gold-bars-%F0%9F%A5%B3/p1
ChooChoo with gift and party hat https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/332704/if-you-could-add-a-new-cropsie-what-would-it-be/p1
Fire Crackers https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/319217/poll-vote-for-your-favorite-event-in-the-game-part-1/p1
carrot with whistle and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/271449/celebrate-1st-community-anniversary#latest
balloons https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/270980/tick-tock-tick-tock/p1
onion, carrots and strawberries with party hats und confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/357573/farm-winter-tournament/p1
Hunter, Amelie and Choo Choo with party hats and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/306572/choo-choo-challenge-what-are-your-thoughts-%F0%9F%A4%94/p1
2 carrots are sitting on the wall with whistle and confetti https://community.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/discussion/315058/big-news-we-have-a-go-to-level-exclusive-new-feature-%F0%9F%A5%95-%EF%B8%8F/p1
@PummyRaj . This was so hard