Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
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We haven't done a friendship contest for ages so we thought it was about time!
You need to tag one of your community or King friends! Someone you would like to see win prizes too.
But you need to give a reason!
In order to qualify you need to tag a playing friend. The prize will only be given in Farm Heroes saga so you and your friend both need to play it otherwise neither will get the prize
You also need to give a good reason why you are tagging your friend
Your friend can tag you back too! giving double chances to win but you can only tag one friend so one post only
Please do not choose a game moderator or community manager as we are not taking part to win prizes, that is just for you dear players 😊
Three players plus their tagged friend will win, either 4 hours of unlimited lives OR 3 egg cracker boosters. You each choose which you want! (Unlimited lives can only be awarded on mobile though)
We are giving you a little longer this time
Contest starts now and ends Friday 7th October at 16:00 CEST or 17:00 BST
Terms and conditions for the contest
and our farmers!
@007jayc @10eke @abe_coffee @actipton80 @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angel1207 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @aijaziqbal @Bassin12 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @best_player @bosschick @Boombalatty @Bookster @BQN537 @BubbleGumSoda @Cagnes @candycrushinit@CassD @Cats4Caz @channie8 @christine88 @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @colorbombsprinkles @crabapple @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @Deobella @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @dilli02 @donte06 @Doris_Koch @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234@GetHanked @Grachuh @GranBarb @Greymane @haraikaria @hbic29 @hechicerilla @ItsTrish24
@imabearnut @janka879 @Jared_Buttry @jess94 @jeanps @jessortiz @JoJo75durham @Joy_21@JuLaCrafting @Julie_Andrews @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaosha1981 @kaitmr @KENTFIELDER@kdorr @kellygirl813 @kiara_wael @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @Lady_Choo @Lady_Sarina @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lhalha @lilac1015 @lilica7805 @lilikoikisses @lollyspears @LoveDachs @lubblady38 @Lynette @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @me6412 @meemahh @Melbennett @MiaChristine @Monia040588 @MountainMom@Mr_Peely @MrKizart @mymeshell1975 @Moh1977
@Nat09@nguyenanhduy1591999 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim@pearl_chetna @Palash_Sarma @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @piaandersson @Pitty_Kitty @PuppaJudge @Queen_Elsa @Racoon7 @rajdeeptb @rebelchild @rfjh5 @Rinno2013@RobinTruitt@RobinCorte@rosemariepahayo1 @Rosenrot @SabrinaM @Sameeksha3 @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @SBH@ShannonCriswell @sinalco @siruelita_1234 @Sofia1992@Star_11 @stokrotka @stingynina @Sukanta_Biswas @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @teresawallace44@thamby @Timhung @tkbm7872 @valio75av@wissem_smida @yonahselcy @wykoon @ZeOne
@Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @max12 @Lemurtek @EOTheGr8 @GlenysB @Spinnifix @Max65 @Owly123 @Matasot @misspink78 @kikiray23 @betchiegrl29 @ndaoz @deblg @Lala_Ogayar @beve61 @fabke @Havish @ElenaVorona @NRP @AaronMedina @4dardar @bramam @urskarecnik @Tory2020 @Mildred_2_2 @sueillidge @FarkasneKa2020 @Riri2 @Tasty_Cake @KCullen127 @laley @fabke @MiladyR @Marcemarce22 @Angel_Natasha @CerbeRus777 @GrammaGaming @Rowena63 @Magic_Mixer @Jon-7 @eugene @Coreena_Lilly @farm_lad @Dani05 @FarmerB @Jose65_6@jbsmith @llonark @maf34100 @LeFlarcane @Utopiaso @galaxyangel @BekkiC @Rose_Weber @Hell66 @Jelly_bean_hearts @Headless @jassy7881 @Bethel @tony55555@Marcemarce22 @Carrotlady @pratimadangol @spoc42 @Jonesi @spoekie @Sparky_2_2 @eightmilenkc @Nico4991 @luvaldez @gordan10 @pillow6 @MollyS @La Ley @Yuchu @lwhite267 @romeo1983
@ashilyas @BuffaloGal57 @Kiki_g @RedaZayed @ashilyas @Gabrian_Diaz @Melanie_4823 @Pazcarolina0618 @namal_butt_01 @teeweiping @Amoonmoon @Halley_Cookie @Thmo @Lisal6715 @Lumiskell71gmail @Maja_Nikolic @kitmil @Nico_G @tynat03 @Terri_1
Wow @Lady_Choo 😊😊😊😊 I really ❤️ this Contest and the Co-friend idea 💡 💡 💡 👏👏👏
Hi @Lady_Choo 🌸🌺
I know we are all friends in the community but I’m going to tag @spoekie 🤗 as when any contest is won they congratulate all the players which is nice
Thank you for this sweet contest. 💙
I would like to tag @BQN537 🐨🦋💜.
We are long time friends but I don't get to talk to her as much, partially because the PM's are gone and the chat in FHS can be very bothersome to say the least.I would write a lengthy message, at times to my friend, and would get flagged over nothing...when this happens over and over, you give up.
So my dear friend, I do miss you and want you to know that. This is also a good time and place to tell you that I somehow must have deleted your email when I was cleaning thousands up...so that's why you haven't heard from me that way...been ashamed to admit that. I hope you still have mine, if you remember I had one heck of a time to get it through to anyone that wanted it. Good luck to us both and I hope to hear from you soon. See you soon my friend. 🐨🦋💜
Thank s a lot for the contest I would like tag @namal_butt_01 because I love this name..
I would like to tag @Lisal6715 Both of us is playing this game. She is the first King Community member that help me to get my badge.
Ok I will
I would like to thank @Queen_Elsa, best animator and storyteller in the Community. I love how her lessons are engaging and interesting to me and as for her stories, they are my inspiration to start my own story series.
Your the best, dearest @Queen_Elsa