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🎅SANTA Clause is coming to FARM🎅 — 🎁Goodies, Goodies & Goodies🎁

PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
edited December 2024 in Contests

Hello Lovely Farmers 🤗

Have you started preparations for the Holidays yet? Our Farm sure has 🎁🎅🎁

Santa has decided to stop by early and dropped off many gifts for King Community's Farmers. We just have to follow the Farm Adventure Calendar and finish the "Task of the Day" to collect the goodies each day!!

Yes! You heard/read it right 🤩 There are going to be goodies every day - for everybody, after finishing the task 😍

Tasks & Rules:

  • Today is the 1st day of the calendar and will run till 25th. Make sure to join everyday and finish the task, so that you won't miss the gift;
  • A New task will be revealed every day and you will have 24 hours to finish it;
  • Each task will be easy and doable within couple of hours. So, no worries 😉
  • Once a new task starts after 24 hours, you are not allowed to finish previous day's task;
  • While posting your entries/answers, please provide your FHS game ID number also to receive the gift of the day - to prevent the delay in receiving/sending the gift;
  • Important:: No complaints or conflicts about the tasks. The Coordinator's decision will be final;
  • Your answers, entries, replies should be - sweet, nice, loving and MUST be "to the topic". Off-topic comments are NOT allowed;
  • If anybody goes off-topic OR doesn't follow the rules, they will not receive the gift of the day - because you will be entered into the "naughty" list 🎅

We will add more rules as we go - IF needed

Rewards 🎁

Gifts vary each day - it can be boosters or Gold Bars or both;

Duration ⏳️

The Calendar will run till 25th of December, 2022

The tasks need to be finished within 24 hours from 1:00 pm to 1:00 pm (USA EST);

EXCEPT for Day 1 - today, you will have only 20+ hours to finish the first task

Terms and Conditions here.

🎄 Don't have our Community account yet? 👉️ Please Sign-Up Right HERE 👈️ It only takes a minute 🎄



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