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πŸ¦Ήβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦Ή New Hero Mode



  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Quests - I play older levels to collect crospies needed, beat older scores, try to get more stars, finish a level with moves remaining, etc. Most of these now are more time consuming, harder to accomplish and more tedious with the new Hero Mode. I have a bunch of levels I rely on to collect certain cropsies, and now that barely works, because I finish the level too early and lose all those extra moves I used to have, so i have to play the level many more times. Now when I play them I have to actively try NOT to win so I can get in as much moves as I can. It's really ruined Quests for me. I am on level 5533 so it's very hard for me to beat new levels without saving a bunch of boosters I earn through Quests.

    1-2-3 Grow - I used to use extra moves to try and collect as many sun and water drops to feed my cropsie. Now of course we lose all that, worst is when the level doesn't call for you to collect water or suns, but they are on the board. The new Hero Mode only zaps cropsies that you need to collect with a plus 9 (even then only SOME of those are zapped and not all), so the new Hero Mode doesn't give you any sun or water at the end you could have collected yourself. 😑

    Stars - in my opinion it is harder to earn 3 stars with this. One time I had over 10 moves left and it only zapped ONE cropsie with +9, that's all I got! Barely moved the meter. I could have made way better use of my 10 moves than that.

    Tournaments/Harvest Rush - normally you have to win new levels for these which is too hard for me due to being at high levels so this doesn't affect me really but I'm sure for others it would because you can definitely collect more cropsies if you had (for example) 10 moves left versus that one time zap at the end.

    Farmer's Market - this is new to me as I just got it but the complaints are pretty much the same re: collecting a certain amount of cropsies.

    Buying extra moves - players that buy 5 extra moves booster or buy the extra moves that have built up when you lose (max 30 moves) I feel this is probably the most unfair because you are purchasing this with gold bars and some people even money. But you don't always get use of all those moves you bought because the new HM takes it all away. This isn't right at all.

    There ya go @QueenB you asked for it 😁. This is what I can think of at the moment. Honestly I have barely been playing the game anymore because I dislike this change so much it has become a lot less fun for me.

  • AuroraStorm
    AuroraStorm Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Yep and it’s a cheat. I had 1 star and finished with 20 moves. It snatched away my 10 moves to give me a total of 8 pints. It makes it harder to win more beans, so it’s either Lee playing levels or buy boosters.

  • krystlerose
    krystlerose Posts: 98

    Level 3

    How much longer is this "test" cause its taking the fun out of the game.

    On a quest I need 2000 apples but it ends when I have less than 200. I can usually get the amount of cropsies in 2 or three plays. This stops my play when I 'win' and only to collect a few so I have to play for days (playing twice a day on one quest) cause I'm not wasting time sitting around to get only a hundred at a time.

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,374

    It has been weeks and this test is still ruining the game. Same for me as many others have said here... this takes away the player strategy in all events (harvest rush, farmer's market, 123 grow, etc...).

    Please bring the old Hero Mode back so the players will come back.

  • Cheesepuff
    Cheesepuff Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The new hero mode doesn't give me the option to stay on it. It automatically makes my moves, depriving me of the opportunity to earn 3 stars. Very disappointing!

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @QueenB. I wholeheartedly agree with all those who are unhappy with this mode and @FarmerB has given a very comprehensive overview of the situation. It is an absolute disaster and has utterly ruined the game. It is impossible to collect the requisite number of target cropsies in any contest or event or to have any tactics or strategy, as control over the game has been lost. If the old Hero Mode is not restored very quickly, I think you can say goodbye to a lot of players.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    edited June 2023

    Hi @Cheesepuff and welcome to the community!

    I am sorry you don't like the new feature. It is still in testing, so I will request your post be moved to the feedback thread πŸ€—

  • Steel_Rose
    Steel_Rose Posts: 11

    Level 2

    To be really honest I think whoever thought this was a good idea has never played the game.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,418

    Hello Farmers πŸ“πŸπŸ₯•

    I agree with a large part of you, I don't like the new Hero Mode just because you can't collect MORE CROPSIES very helpful for 1-2-3 Grow and to reach 3 Stars and 250 Magic Beans!!!

    I admit, especially in a low levels when you win with 10 moves left you can get bored to continue matching but you collect many cropsies very helpful for the last event "Farmer's Market"

    It's possible to have a similar " Hero Mode" of Candy Crush? When you win a level the game skip your last moves but by itself there is a continuing matching until the end!!!!!

    Many thanks 😊😊😊😊😊

  • Steel_Rose
    Steel_Rose Posts: 11

    Level 2

    edited June 2023

    I think it would be helpful for the newer players to have the option to press an end now button during hero mode and go the the current default laser zapping hero mode. When you are aiming for specific cropsies you want to be in control and the candy crush hero mode does not let you do that. Also on some levels of candy crush the hero mode just goes on for several minutes and you either have to put walk away till it finishes if you are collecting a specific candy or press the end now and miss out. The new players will also be needing to get three stars for farm club and beans. The option to end hero mode at any point could be an option to keep a new player interested. I found farm club a draw when I first started but with the new hero mode not making it harder to get 3 stars, I may have given up on the game feeling it was unfair not to get 3 stars if I had lots of moves left.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?