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(ENDED) 👨Celebrate Fathers day Rancid style



  • Great contest @Lady_Choo

    1.Share a story of a moment that you spent with your father/dad like figure, or even childrens dad, that means a lot to you.

    I remember on father's day in 2000 I had decided to have a big cookout for my dad at one of the local parks. It was so hot that day. The temperature was like 98 out. We got to the park got everything set up and socialized with everyone for a bit. I had started the cooking. I remember being so hot standing over the grill. I had started feeling real sick. I told my sister to wash the food and had got my mom to walk up to the restroom area with me. By the time I had got up to the restroom area I was soaking wet with sweat and was so sick feeling. Before I could get to the sink to get cold water to splash on myself to cool down I collapsed. I was on my hands and knees I crawled to the sink and got cold splashed on my face. My mom ran and got my dad and we ended up in the emergency room. After many test come to find out I had a heat stroke and I was 3 months pregnant with my second child. Needless to say I had many complications with my pregnancy. My daughter was a miracle she was completely healthy when she was born. But she and I both have allergic reactions to heat. If we get to hot we end up in the emergency room but that was a good father's day even with all of the trials we had encountered 😊

    2. Make a story up about Rancid and how he became a parent.

    One day Rancid was so excited as he was telling his friends he had some news to share. He told his friends he was to be a dad soon and was worried he would make mistakes. As his friends reassured him he would do fine he was still worried. The day had come little Rancid jr was finally born. He chose the name Gilbert. As little Gilbert started growing Rancid was faced with more worries then he ever knew. Now Gilbert had started walking and Rancid was worried about him getting bumps and bruises. All the good friends of Rancids told him if a bump and bruise is all that happens he was good lol. Now comes those terrible 2's and Rancid was like a crazy koon. Running around trying to keep up with Gilbert and keeping him out of all the trash was impossible. Gilbert keeps getting older and older and Rancid is proud of the koon Gilbert has became. He told Gilbert how proud he was of his young man. Now it comes time to let Gilbert go and let him go to college trust and believe he will be ok. Gilbert is now graduating college and starting his own family. As Rancid sits a thinks about his son he has a smile on his face as he knows he done a good job in raiding him and he has to trust and believe his son will do as good of a job as he did. Moral of the story if you have faith anything can be accomplished 😘

    3. We know the studio are thinking of removing Rancid. What would you like to see him doing instead? If you answer 1 or 2, feel free to answer 3 as well as the studio are always interested in our thoughts.

    Honestly instead of removing Rancid I would really like to see him host his own events in the game. Maybe instead of remove him completely just use him for some fun filled events. Either way I'm sure the studio will find a very good use for Rancid 😊

  • namal_butt_01
    namal_butt_01 Posts: 1,946

    Happy belated father's day❤️

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    @LoveDachs all good points. I think the idea of changing things is to make the game refreshed but also to entice new players. But that is why they run the tests so they get feedback. I have noticed though with Farm that they do seem to listen!

    I suspect a lot of players have complained about Rancid (Myself included) but I only complain when its ridiculously hard!

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,785

    @Lady_Choo , since the farm studio seems to listen to us players, I have a few things to say.

    1. Our farm team hasn't gotten the pick axe event in quite awhile. This team event is a brilliant way to get people to play FHS.

    We all know what happens when king games lose their popularity.....they tend to be discontinued

    2. Another issue my team mates face occurs when lives are requested. Team members send lives, but many times they are never received.

    3. Our team chat feature flags innocent comments and many times refuses to work.

    4. The new hero mode is not appreciated. I rely on hero mode to collect specific cropsies I need for various events. Such as collecting water drops and sunshine to grow the special cropsies

    Thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion on ways to make FHS more croptastic

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,815

    @Lady_Choo if the studio listens then why when it comes to the Farm Season event we can't bank pre-game boosters. This has been mentioned so many times.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Can I just ask, its a contest thread. Its meant to be fun and instead has gone way off topic. I get everyone is frustrated but lets keep this for contest ideas. I know there are a few I haven't read so I will get to those tomorrow too as its late now for me 🤗

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    1. When my dad retired he moved back to his native country Mexico, so I don't get to see him much anymore and now I cherish all the memories when I do even if they're small. Like when he's visiting the U.S. and comes to my house for some coffee and talk. Don't get it often so it's those memories I love.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    @LaLuna03 it maybe triggered the spam filter, but its ok I see it both times!

    I love the babies names 🤣

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Its ok @rebelchild I know the game is frustrating at times. And I made the badge 🤗

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