Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
I voted even though I'm not even close to 6000. Congrats to all who reached or about to reach Level 6000
Again, thanks for sharing with us about the level design
You vote for design 2
I find it the best, the easiest and the most fun
Crackers help open flowers
There is only water and sun. I can imagine waterfalls of fruit falling 😁😜
If so, it would be fun and cool 😍
The first design I find complicated
The third design has a lot of weeds that can't be removed easily so players will have to use boosters
And we want a distinctive and fun level that is legendary 😎
You don't need to be at level 6000 to vote. These levels are not out yet, but special levels that has just been designed based on the feedback the community has shared.
If you had to choose between the 3 levels, which one would you prefer to play?
Wow! The level designers have made this one really hard!! I am torn lol. I like that Levels 1 & 3 retain at least the 6 shape even after you clear the blockers/cropsies. You lose the shapes on Level 2 but it also seems like the easiest level, so in that way it's good. Edited to Add: nevermind on level 2 you do still retain the 6 and the K because the grass underneath the blockers still form the shapes :)
Level 1 looks like you can only clear the flowers by hitting them with firecrackers, or the Grower companion, might be a bit tough. Depends on if we get a lot of firecrackers, as the board only shows 2. Are there more hidden under the grass or that will fall down?
Level 3 I don't mind the grass weeds because they are mostly one or two hitters to clear....it's the ones that you have to hit 5 times that kill me 😅. I am leaning towards Level 3 but gotta think it over a bit 😁
Voted, I really like the design of level 2 🤩
I still choose #2. And mistakes are good if you learn from them
I prefer Celebrate by the numbers - I love those sheep and the overall design. Also - it would be an awesome design to collect water and suns for a grow your cropsie event!
Design #3 seems to be the heart I suggested which is really cool that they used my suggestion but I agree with you...it looks EXTREMELY difficult.