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oh my god this is so typical of cats 😂 I once had a cat that we thought disappeared - but it turned out that he had just decided to move into someone elses home a 10 minute drive away and stayed there for a couple of months
They really are the kings and queens of their homes!
I actually have 4 fur babies 😁
This is my special little dude (name is dude)
This is my big baby his is name is Doobie 😁 this is what he does when I make my bed he unmakes it lol 🤣
This my special baby buddy ❤️
He loves a box as you can see
This is my lazy boy funny story when he was little he came in the house with a mouse playing with it he threw it in my lap scared me death 🤣 I screamed you little mouse and that name stuck with him so this is mouse
This is Luna. My daughter's cat but he lived at our house with her until she moved out. We thought he was a she but oops. If he thinks you are going to keep him in, he vanishes quick. He seems to stay in a little more now he is about 5 and despite being out mostly when I'm there, he still gives me the loving when he sees me. He was less tolerant about me until he got clipped by a car when he was about 2 and I cried over him cos he'd vanished and I was worried he'd gone. After that he loved me more and would come and curl up with me. He loves his fussing and pets until he decides it's attack time and we get eaten.
He also meows as though he is hard done by and will eat treats until they come out of his ears if we let him. He will also beg as soon as anyone has food and we can't leave his small humans food around when he is there.
He's also bought them a mouse in on three different occasions. One for each 🙄
nobody feeds him treats clearly 😂
This is our family cat Nastja. Although she is already an old lady, she is still very curious and likes to hide in bags and baskets. She usually makes herself comfortable there and also likes to take a nap.
The new pet in the game FHS is also very cute again and has new decorations. Thank you very much for the sweet event.