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Error with hay seeds saying no more moves

007jayc Posts: 554

this isn't the first level that I have experienced this but when playing a level, say Level 1736, and the only move left is to water a hay seed, it will say there are no more moves left when in fact watering a hay seed is a move. This is really annoying when you have cropsies where you want them and then it shuffles them because it will not count watering a hay seed as a move left. But if you water a hay seed it takes away a move that you do have left, so why say there isn't a move left then??πŸ˜‰



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello @007jayc and hope you have had a nice evening...

    Understood the issue you're facing while playing certain levels in the game that requires you to water the hay seed and the board auto shuffle itself when you are able to water the hay seed...

    Is this a recurrent issue with all levels that requires you to water hay seed or specific level? If specific level, is it only level 1736? These info is important so I can report to the CM in charge and allow the game studio to look into it more detail.

    Also, please let me know the device you're playing that has this issue and the app version.

    Meanwhile, let's tag some game experts for FHS to help you out @encantes @MountainMom @BQN537

    Thank you...😊

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,894

    Hi @007jayc

    Thanks for the tag @wykoon

    I just went back and played level 1736 unfortunately I could not get the game to reshuffle.

    I have had the same problem in levels I have played where the game will reshuffle even though you can water a hay seed and levels with the slime / grumpy levels,Rancid levels.

    So it definitely isn’t an isolated issue.

    I have the latest update on my iPhone 5.44.6 🚜

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,460

    I see the player has played this level is NO problem while without using boosters and extra moves that I hope you can follow these tips of how to pass this tricky level without using boosters and extra moves. 😊

    Have a farmtastic day! πŸ“πŸŒ°πŸ₯•

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi @Diamond Lim that was 2018 video and the game may have changed due to update on the app πŸ˜… May be @Chicken_Slayer is able to provide some insight...

    @007jayc meanwhile, you may bookmark this blog created by chicken_slayer just for Farm Heroes Saga players...πŸ˜€

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2020

    @007jayc @wykoon @BQN537 @Diamond Lim This whit seed and waterdrops it is all kind of seed. That mean, flower seed, grasseed and hayseed. The game no longer see seed and waterdrops as a match.

    It has been reported to the studio, but it likes that it is not going to be fixed.

    .It was not a bug. From may 2

    Bug in level 1260. From july 4

    Mistake in level 2836. From august 23

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Thanks again for the reposting this issue. Now I'm clear πŸ˜…πŸ˜… @piaandersson β£οΈπŸ™πŸ»

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,504

    Please be assured @007jayc that the studio is aware of this issue. Just as @piaandersson explained, this issue occurs on multiple levels when remaining moves involve water drops and various seeds (grass, hay, flower). I know your frustration because this has happened to me on several levels, too. I have reported the specific levels where I have experienced the issue, but I can only assume that the logic for water seeds needs to be reworked to resolve this issue on all levels. It is in the studio's queue, but it may not be high in priority.

  • 007jayc
    007jayc Posts: 554

    Thanks for all the feedback. I've had this happen on past levels and was going to say something about it but let it drop. But this level did it too me numerous times and I started to get frustrated with it messing up my board when I had things where I wanted them. I would think this would be an easy fix as it would just need to be changed to show a match (water and seed) like any other cropsie match.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,175

    Hello dear @007jayc Hearty Welcome Back πŸ€— Hope you and your family are doing great and staying safe 😷

    I have send this issue over to one of the Community In-charge of the Farm Saga. They were out of the office for the past week. They will be in tomorrow and, I hope they will be able to update us about this issue in next couple of days.

    I request you to please be patient until we hear from them πŸ™

    Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

    Have a great rest of the day and a Farmtastic Week ahead πŸ“ πŸ“

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