๐ผ New here? Say hello!
๐ฉโ๐พ Join our thread for new players and introduce yourself! ๐โจ
Hello Fellow Farmers - it's great to meet all of you - and I want to extend an extra warm welcome to the new members of the community. You will find this is a wonderful place where you can meet fellow players from all over the world. It's a great place to talk about the games or any topic that interests you - there is sure to be some other people who will want to join your discussion.
Are you stuck on a level - just post in the support area and you will find there are quite a few people who will be more than glad to share videos and tips for how to complete the level. Also please feel free to share your own tips and strategies on how to win the game.
Need some gold bars or boosters - then check out the various contests that can be found throughout the community. There is always at least one or two in each game.
Just looking for some fun (besides playing the game) - check out the various side games like counting or word games or even share your favorite pictures/quotes/books etc.
Any way - I hope that you stay awhile and explore all the great things the Community has to offer!ย