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I was at a really high I’m being restarted at level 1...why?

vlevle Posts: 1

Level 1

Why is my game restarted at level one?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @vlevle 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our Wonderful King Community 🙂

    The first and foremost reason for us to start the game from level # 1 is, when we log out of the game (from our saved account).

    Click on "Save your Progress" and log back in through with your Facebook account or Kingdom account ---> You will be all set and back at your level.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance or have more questions. You can simply type your reply by typing in the comment box given below.

    Hope to talk to you soon. Enjoy your game and have a Farmtastic Day 🍓 🍐 🍓

  • mileni
    mileni Posts: 7

    Level 2

    You are probably logged off

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Like Pummy Raj has answered you to connect back to your account if you have connected your account already that I hope you can back to your current level on this game but boosters and lives cannot be transferred.

    If it's still not worked, how about you tried these steps here (Have you lost your levels? A guide on how to keep your game saved!) that I hope you can back to your current level on this game too. 😉

    If it's still not worked again, please report this to our Player Support team here and then ask and send your Game ID (How to find your Game ID), so they can help. 😊

    🔥 Hot topics here right Now 🌶

    🌟 Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here and Here (General)! 🌟

    Have a farmtastic day! 😊

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