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Don't be shy and come say Hi 🖐🐝



  • JoJo75durham
    JoJo75durham Posts: 768

    Just wanted to say Hi in a special way to all newcomers in players.

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,440

    Hi and a warm Welcome in this Community 🍓 🍎 🍏 🍓 🍎 🍏

    Happy that you join Farm Heroes Saga Community, would you like to give a peek around and have the chance to win boosters or gold bars? Please check here: win prizes

    The last hot news in the Farm? Please check here

    I wish you a Farmtastic day 🤩 😉🌞🤗

  • Beau320
    Beau320 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi. I am new to King Community but have been playing King games for a long time. I am on level 2133 in Farm Heroes Saga and finished the Flower Tower game tonight. I can never stay awake long enough for those 6 hour free play prizes when I complete a challenge at night... lol

  • Alleykatt6
    Alleykatt6 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hiya!! Player from Philly here! I love, love, love this game!! So happy to be a part of the community! Hello and good luck to everyone!!

  • encantes
    encantes Posts: 6,440

    Hi @Beau320 and a warm Welcome in this Community 🍓 🍎 🍏 🍓 🍎 🍏

    Wow you have finished the Flower Tower event, well done! I'm stuck at level 7,is very hard and I try to.pass the level with no boosters but is not easy 😉😉😉

    In the meantime if you want to give a peek around the Community to partecipate at contests or challenges and win boosters or gold bars please check here: win prizes

    The hot news in the Farm: please check here

    If you need more support don't hesitate to write we are all here to help you! 😉😊😉😊

    I wish you a Farmtastic day 🌞🌼🌻🌞

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Myself (@Lady_Choo ), @PummyRaj and @encantes would like to welcome all our lovely new community members to the farm section! We are your farm moderators so if you need help, shout one of us by using the at symbol before our names and up we shall pop.

    💃 we know you will have fun here! 💃

    A few places to point you now that you have found us...want a chance to win goodies for your game? Go here to enter contests for a chance to win prizes in the game/

    Here is the hot right now thread, current popular discussions for you to find quickly.

    And if you are new to the game, or haven't been playing long: Here are the basics in one thread for you to see easily.

    Sadly we cannot use a shovel on Rancid to remove the smug grin, but at least if you need help on levels and give us a shout, we can give you some tips or a video.

    Do you have a burning idea that you think would be good in the game? Here is the place for posting that!

    Or how about some top secret farm stuff straight from the farm lab? This is the place that we can communicate with the studio and give your thoughts that help to shape the game.

    All in all, some good stuff so stick around and join us! 🙂

  • flowin
    flowin Posts: 0



  • Laundrakay10
    Laundrakay10 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I am Laundrakay10 nd I live in Oklahoma I am married and have 3 daughters and 2 stepsons. There ages are the 3 girls 21 will be 22 in Oct. 18, and fixing to be 15 the boys are 23 and 22. I will be 39 in a week and couple dats. I enjoy playing these games cause it's relaxing and fun.

  • Leny05
    Leny05 Posts: 124

    I like all of this instructions very good.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?