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Unable to sign in on computer

ninininin Posts: 27 Level 2

For a week now I cannot sign in to play any games on Firefox. The button does not work after I've put in my information. I have cleared etc., closed and reopened, turned off and on the computer. No luck. I can sign on using Safari.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,426 Candy Moderator

    Hello @ninininin πŸ€— A Warm Welcome Back to our Farmtastic King Community!

    I am sorry to hear that there is an issue with the King games on your computer! Did you try to open the Firefox on a different computer and see if the game opens there?

    I am wondering it could be related to your device itself! We have not seen any other complaints and comments about this same issue!

    Can you please try it on another computer and let me know?

    Thank you and looking forward for your response!

  • ninininin
    ninininin Posts: 27 Level 2

    I have yet to be at someone else's computer to see if I can sign in on Firefox. To date I still cannot. I'm playing on Chrome for now. Will let you know when I do get onto another Firefox. Thanks.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,426 Candy Moderator

    Hello again @ninininin πŸ€— Welcome Back!

    Thank you for the update! Couple of weeks ago, many players were having issue with both Chrome and Firefox browsers! Many players have installed "Opera" browser and it has been working without any issues!

    Can you please try that out too and let me know how it goes?

    Talk to you soon! Have a Farmtastic day and a great rest of the week πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“

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