Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
You may change your mind, further up the chain!
Companions cost beans, and dear @QueenB, games without the option of 50 beans for a companion, are a little unfair.
90 90 90, your precious beans are gone in no time.
I suggest that there is always the option of a 50 bean companion, no matter which level you are on.
Goodnight, and may your God go with you!
I agree about the beans, I expect, like me, you are missing-out on Bonnie, Bonus Rounds etc, because we don't have beans to spare to buy companions.
Hi, i love the animals, i like more aninals en farm heroes saga.
I love it
Hey @PummyRaj and @Lady_Choo
Gosh! Bringing back memories here!!
I loved the companions when I first started playing Farm. Twas an exciting journey to collect them and receive the rewards. Ahh! The fun of the good 'ole days LOL🤗🌻
Would you believe...every now and again....I check the collection, just incase the ? has turned into a new and cute animal 🤣
Alas! No....Still have 3 ? on the bottom 🤣🤣 One day, hopefully, I'll get the surprise of my life...and wabamb!!💥 We have a winner chicken dinner!!! There'll be 3 new companions LOL🌈💃💃
My favourites...The Peacock and the Snowy Owl!!! A bit partial to the Wolf and the LoveBirds also 💜
The rewards are great but the joy, for me, was in the challenge of collecting them LOL
I use them all the time
The companions are very useful
I love them. I usually use the grower, however depending on the game, I will use different ones. I have collected all the farm companions, and went back to get 3 stars on them. Why have you not completed all the farm companions? The last few are still blank and I keep hoping that these will be added. Without the use of my farm companions, I may not be able to complete a level