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We want to hear YOUR thoughts - Tell us EVERYTHING 😉



  • Posts: 582

    Hi I wish the beans can be used to buy boosters it would be great !!

  • Posts: 582

    Hello!! I would like more events in the game to win boosters

  • Posts: 5,618

    G'Day Studio Team,

    That's a very open ended suggestion, but suits what I'd like to mention!

    The features and functions of The Farm Lab. I've been in just this sector for a little minute now and it hasn't been bothersome or frustrating or confusing at all!!!

    Gosh it's organized and easy to travel around!! Honestly, why do you guyz get it so right and other community areas, so wrong!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    @QueenB This first page is a testimony to how proactive, participative and "on the ball" you seem to be as CM of this Community! I'm not joking!! There is no clutter here, nor "too many cooks", nor feeling like your invisible!! I'm so excited to see it that I've clapped my hands out loud and swivelled on my chair!!!! It can happen!! Success is possible!! Damn!!! I was loosing hope and encouragement and feeling rather flat but you've inspired me again!!! Gee wilakers and Hot Diggity, You got this Chickie!!!

    All the things I've been interested in, as far as feedback go, are already systematically there. Each a discussion of it's own and easy to follow. The standard to follow regards all things "office". The best on-line filing cabinet out there!!!

    Hooley Dooley!! Top Form!!!

  • Posts: 25,429
    Hello dearest @QueenB

     I have now found out where I can report my problem. I am concerned with these fruits that reduce the numbers to zero. I am now 53 and have circulatory problems. In the past it didn't bother me, but if something rotates in front of my eyes, I don't feel good. As it is with these fruits. Could you please leave out the red rotating one? Because I can see it. Or do something different for it. They could be highlighted, for example: Here is a picture! thanks

  • Posts: 15,813

    This is great feedback, thanks a lot for sharing and I will be happy to pass this on to the team 😉

  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have been playing this game for several years now and I am at level 3110 and one thing I have noticed is the big increase in screen nags. I am having to click and x our of so many things or wait for graphics to finish playing before I can get on with my game. Now again to here is a flashy graphic trying to get me to pay for extra moves. Just one more annoying thing to wait for. I am feeling like it is time to stop playing this game.

  • Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Why have you taken away the mini-games that allow us to earn magic beans? I know you're trying to do things to make the game more fun, but you're taking away things that drew us to it in the first place. That's not fun.🤷‍♀️

  • Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I'm here to make a few suggestions:

    1. I read and agree with another user who mentioned the need for US to decided when to use the +5 boosters. I didn't read every comment to know how many others might have made it since then, but I know at least one person made that suggestion 3-4 years ago now (2019). Maybe if more people comment on this and add their support, like me, you might really consider IMPLEMENTING this change. I really think it would add a lot to the experience if the player could choose when to use an extra move booster.
    2. BRING BACK THE ADS FOR EXTRA MOVES AT THE END OF THE LEVEL OPTION FOR EVERYONE. I used to get an option to watch ads to add extra moves after a level is over in order to continue playing level. This was the MOST appealing part of the game for me because if I was close enough to beating the level, I could watch a few ads and might really be able to finish it. I played the game for the first few hundred levels this way and was enjoying it enough that I bought a piggy bank of gold bars because I thought the game was fun enough to deserve a purchase. HOWEVER, from that moment forward I was NEVER offered an ad for extra moves again. This leads me to believe/feel like my purchase somehow turned on a "Greed" button for someone to now push buying more and more gold bars on me since there is NO other way of getting any extra moves at the end of a level. I won't buy from a greedy game or one that isn't much fun to play. Ever since I bought that ONE piggy bank and lost the option to watch any ads for extra moves, the game is WAY less fun. I've become so frustrated with it I've even thought about just uninstalling. I'm absolutely sure if I still had the option to watch ads for moves I would already have bought more gold bars by now, but I will NEVER buy a thing from the game as long as I'm made to feel like it's my ONLY option.
    3. This is more of an alternative to #2, but if the staff can't let players watch ads for extra moves, why not create an in-game Extra Move booster that we could earn in tasks or special events and then use during levels if we choose - the same way we can earn tractors or egg crackers? (Although ads seem like the better option for the company, financially, because doesn't the company get paid for a customer watching ads?)
    4. There seems to be a bug that when I switch between apps (and it also used to happen if I watched an ad back when I was offered ads to watch) and come back to this one, the sound effects get turned off and I can't do anything to turn them back on except turn the game off entirely and restart it. Can that be fixed? The sound effects are one of the main reasons I like the game (except the angry cropsies & bombs - they're annoying. I especially love the hatching alligator & cracking ice sound effects), but if you turn the game off mid-level and restart to get the sound effect to come back, you lose a life.
    5. I've had problems a few times and needed to contact support. I find this a rather hard thing to do in-game because usually what I need to contact support about has nothing to do with any of the topics that are listed in the support section, yet I'm required to pick one of them to get to a place where I even CAN contact support. THEN, once I DO, I have to pick the nearest option to my issue from a predetermined drop down box and inevitably the first "support" email I receive is ALWAYS some sort of pre-determined auto-response based entirely on whatever I had to put in the dropdown boxes and having NOTHING to do with whatever I write in the body of the message. Then, I have to respond to the auto-email in order to FINALLY talk to a real person that READS the body of the message and can respond to my real issue (as you know, this process, as it stands, takes several days to complete). Is there ANY way to make this process easier & quicker? I know it's partly designed to make life easier for employees who might end up answering the same basic questions time after time, but what about those of us who don't fit in the pre-determined categories and really DO need a PERSON to understand or help us through the issue we're having?

    Thanks for whoever reads and considers this (especially those with power to make any changes).

  • Posts: 367

    @Queen B,

    The game should be fun but some levels are really impossible.

    Level 4812 only 20 moves. Could studio consider chenging something?


  • Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I’ve been having the same ongoing issues with the game when I’m either about to win or have won a level and am in hero mode and then the game just suddenly crashes causing me to have to repeat the level making me lose gold bar’s, boosters and I’m getting really frustrated! It seems to have a consistent pattern and the only time the game crashes is always when I’ve won or am about to win and this has been happening for over 5 months now, I’ve contacted support countless times and sometimes they have been good about reimbursing what I’ve lost but a lot of times they don’t do anything to help me and I’m getting really sick of the same issues reoccurring! I also keep getting the same emails saying to check for updates, make sure I have plenty of space and to uninstall and reinstall but every time I do I lose all of my booster’s and I don’t get any of them back and the problems keep happening. Of course I try everything they suggest and if that was the problem I wouldn’t have to keep contacting support but they send me the same emails every time and I’m getting mad! I’ve also been having many problems with losing boosters, 1 minute I’ll have 12 shovel’s and the next I will only have 3 and it does it with all of the boosters. I haven’t been getting the daily bonuses and boosters I win either making it even more frustrating. When I contact support all I ask is to be reimbursed for what I lost but nobody is willing to help resolve the issues and it’s getting to the point that I don’t know if the game is worth playing anymore which really sucks! I really enjoy playing the Candy Crush Soda Saga, Jelly Saga, and Farm Hero Saga games but unfortunately they all have the same exact issues with crashing and is getting so irritating I wish there were better games to play. I’m very disappointed that I’ve been playing these games for many year’s now, have spent a lot of money and time for what seems to be a waste! All I want is to be able to play the games without experiencing so many problems and it would be really nice if someone would at least try to fix the problems so I could enjoy playing the games again!! It’s even more discouraging to know that I’m not the only person having these issues and still nobody will do anything.😠


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