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We want to hear YOUR thoughts - Tell us EVERYTHING 😉

QueenB Posts: 15,718
edited November 2019 in Feedback

Hello Farmers...

For the past weeks, I've been posting specific topics where you guys have been awesome enough to share your feedback 🤗

This week, I want to give YOU the chance to tell us what you Farmers would like to talk about.

Any ideas you would like to share?

Do you have any feedback you want to give us on a specific topic?

Or do you simply want to leave a message for the studio?


The sky is the limit so don't be afraid to be brutally honest with us 😉



  • Marg-2
    Marg-2 Posts: 35

    Level 3

    I would just love to know why Farm Heroes Saga keeps crashing.  I have done just about everything that has been advised, apart from reinstalling  (I'm loath to loose boosters etc). Its been crashing since the last update and always when use beans to help with game (lost loads of beans due it crashing), or when I'm offered an extra 3 moves at the end of the game. Sick of losing beans and lives. I don't have this problem with other games, ie, Candy Crush Saga. My device has plenty of available space and the game is up to date (update was the problem I think).
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @QueenB I have some things that I would like to see changed. So I guess this is for the studio.

    First. That all players have/get the same in the game. A couple of example. The new tractor. That should everyone have and not just some. I can think that you have the usually one in the beginning of the game, then whit a level maybe around level 1000 you got the new tractor.
    Everyone should have the option to watch ads so the can get extra things that way.
    Are more things then that that just some have and others don´t.

    When I started to play farm heroes many years ago it was a game for single playing. Today it is two things that you are in team. Episoderace and honeypots. They should be taken away from the screen and put where the quest/missions are.

    When it comes to the episoderace. If it will reamin so change that. I know that some had said they win goldbars. But thats just some that do taht. We others just get booster. What you win should be the same. And another thing I think should be changed in that. That all 5 get somthing. I know in a competion that the first 3 win price. But in episoderace it´s only 5.

    In honyepots. Also needs some changning. Don´t remember how many honeypots it has been in. But many it always one or two that don´t contribute at all. I don´t know if they don´t have the honeypots in there device or if they simple haven´t been logged on.
    If they don´t have honeypots in there game that one will change when everyone have it. If it is that they haven´t been logged on. It should be so the ones that got picked to be in one had been logged on during the last week.

    If you put in more things that will be played as a team. It should also be placed where the quest/missions are. And they should be done so you must actived them to be a part of the teamthing. That way the one that like teamplaying can do so and we that like to play for us self can do so. And since you have activeded it you should also be able to deactived it.

    Then clean up the popups. When I have played a event and goes back to the main screen. It comes up a popup that say play the event. I just left it so that popup just annoying. The same when I have sent life and clicked on X to close it. It comes one more popup. When you click on X it should be closed.

    Clean up/change in the quest/missions. So they are possible to do for all. Some don´t even exist today. And some can´t be done when you are higher up in the game.

    I had a suggestion about the boosters that recharge before. That suggestion are now in the thread "boosters! the farm heroes team needs your feedback." in page 5 in that thread.

    Then a last one. The shovels. If you don´t have any you can buy 3 whit beans before you start playing a level. If you have used all shovels when you playing a level you have to buy whit goldbars. I would like to see that you can buy it whit beans instead. I understand why it is as it is today so it possible to do so you only can buy one time whit beans when you are in a level.

    That what I would like to see changed in the game. There can be more things but don´t remember it just now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    With the Honey Pot challenge, whenever you return to the main map, a popup of how many pots you collected appears. It really takes too long and is very annoying. It should be like the quests. When you reach the target, a green check appears. Not a popup after every level.

    Sometimes you can win a "+5 moves" booster. Unfortunately, you have no option of when to use it. It is always automatically applied to the next level you start. Even if you go back and do level 1, it is automatically used. It needs to be banked so we can use it when we want.
  • Cricket81
    Cricket81 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    I am on level 1617, which as you know means the levels are getting harder. I love collecting the companions in the farm club (the booster items, not the coin items) and unfortunately I have collected all the companions except for 3 that I can not unlock that have a ? in their place. Can more companions please be added to the farm club and be added very soon? I am feeling frustrated because I feel like now instead of getting a chance to "win" the boosters, I am now forced to "buy" the boosters and it doesn't feel right or fair, especially to a player like myself who loves the game and have faithfully been playing since the 1st day the game was released. 
  • murphman04
    murphman04 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I really like playing farm heros, but there are too many events, special offers, leaderboards, etc. to keep track of. Every time I finish a level I'm interrupted by the honey pot board or the piggy bank or something else that interferes with me continuing to play the game. It makes it almost so difficult to play to where I just don't want to anymore.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello pia @piaandersson🤗

    Actually what you are saying does make a lot of sense!  And from the last time we spoke, I have been seeing....

    1) Beat the last level (for 1000 Beans); Beat a level with 8 moves remaining (Shovel or Tractor booster); or Beat 3 / 6 levels without loosing (2 shovels) and this one is always marked as "Hard";

    2) Collect 100 Oysters; Collect 50 Alligator babies; Make Hay -- all for 2 Tractor boosters;

    3) Claim a Life for 10 times (for Egg Cracker) -- very hard to finish as the Lives are hard to come by;
        Use a companion ability for 20 turns (250 Magic Beans); 
        and the new one I am seeing from past week or so -- Collect / unlock 5 Companions;

    So for all these 3 tasks, like you said those are the 3 that will be swapping for a while!!

    Also, one thing I have noticed.... may be this would be useful to take to the Studio @QueenB!!!  If I finish a task, that will not show up for a while, BUT if I swap it, it keeps showing up till I finish it. 

    All others can be done with much patience, except for "beating last level" and "Collect 5 more new Companions"!! 
    --->  I understand that "Collecting Companions" would be useful for the players below level # 500!!  But, how it will be useful for me when there are only 105 more levels to reach the current last level!!  
    Also, vice-versa... when the players in lower levels are asked to "beat the last level" how will they be able to do it?

    So, my feedback would be -----> 
    (1) Need more options to Swap; 
    (2) Quests that can be doable; 
    (3) Keeping "Epic" and "Hard" quests in one place -- for 3rd quest, because they take days to finish;
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,718
    I totally understand @piaandersson and ask for the egg cracker, that might be a bug. The game team is looking into it and think they can have this solved during future updates. 

    Your suggestions also make sense, and this has been passed on to the Studio. I'll merge your post with another thread which is to give feedback to the studio so I have all in one place :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I got the "Complete The Last Level" challenge when I was on about Level 1600. But I thought that was very funny, so I have kept it!

  • The quest/mission suggestion that I had before (in a another thread) that we should be able to swap all three on a day. Instead what it is todayd that one only can swap 1 a day. That proably demands some new coding.

    But it should be a way that it is easy to change just in one place whitout new codes. Change the timer.

    I guess that it today works like this. Click on the symbol (to swap) and that start the clock/timer and when that reach 24 hour you can swap again.
    But if one change the timer to 2 hour that means that one will be able to change all three in one day. Sure if one plays a lot during a day one will be able to swap more. But changing the timer should be the way that are easiest way to do it.
  • Ruth1
    Ruth1 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I love this game and I've been playing for several years. Is there a way when you earn free hours of lives that a pause button be added. Most folks don't have 2-6 and certainly not 24 hrs. to play a game. Sometimes you just want to play during your lunch break, then you earn free lives but you can't use them because lunch break is over, by the time you can return to the game you've lost the free lives playing time....This would be AWESOME!!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?