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🚫 Know issue SOLVED - Lost Boosters or Lost Progress during the latest 5.73 update!



  • Karenp1231
    Karenp1231 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I have tried all the fixes mentioned in this thread and nothing has restored my level. I will not start the game again. I'd rather delete it. My user ID is 1612307075. I have been playing for 5-6 years and have built up lots of boosters, too. Please advise if you can restore the level or not. Thank you.

  • Drt1710
    Drt1710 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    @milcamps you are not getting your boosters back mate, sorry but it's true. Moderators here tell you to contact Customer services, and customer services point you to the community forum, and if pushed will tell you that it's your own fault for saving them up, honestly scroll back a page or 2 and look at some other posts on here.

    Best thing you can do now is click on my is click the arrow on my post above here, read and leave a negative review for them, they hate it!

    All the best mate.

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    This whole thing is very frustrating and the way King is treating their fan base shows a lot about how they think of us. At the very least if they couldn't restore the boosters we had, they could have just given everyone a set amount each (like 20 boosters of each kind), it's the right thing to do for our trouble. Everyone wouldn't get as many as they had before, but at least it would be something, anything other than zero, at least to show they care. I've been able to build up some boosters again and Quests have come back for me so I am playing again HOWEVER, I used to spend money on this game and I won't give it another dime. So right back atcha King, showing you how I feel!

  • lapine18
    lapine18 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello! I have been playing for years, I’m at level 3695!!! I have lost all my boosters (had more than 300 of each) :-( Please help!!! I play every day and I am almost wanting to give up! But I won’t :-)

    I am sure you are all working so hard on this but thought I would try and get them back sooner!!

    my ID is 1061388141

    thank you! Lots of love!

  • Drt1710
    Drt1710 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    @lapine18 sorry mate, you are not getting your boosters back.

    I suggest you read back a few pages here to see how bad we are being treated.

    Then click the arrow under my post above, read that.

    Sorry mate, and all the best

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777

    We understand the frustration and the good news is that the Studio along with our Player Support team will be working hard to make sure:

    1. everyone who has lost their progress gets them back
    2. everyone who has lost boosters will receive a compensation

    For this to happen, you must report that you have been affected by contacting the Player Support team directly from the game app itself.

    When you open the game app, select the 3 lines on the bottom left corner and select Customer Care:

    Choose the following issue:

    NOTE! If you don't have this option, choose something else and scroll until you can see Contact Us

    Scroll down until you can see Contact Us and fill in the details:

    Hope this helps and a huge thanks for your patience while we work on making things right again 🙂

  • BasilBasil
    BasilBasil Posts: 6

    Level 2


    What annoys me as well as losing all my boosters is that nobody has said sorry. At first it was report it giving your id number, then they were working on the issue then now when they have obviously realised they can't fix it it's that it's our fault for saving them and not using them up.

    I don't blame the moderator on this forum it must be very difficult for them when they aren't getting any or the correct messages to pass on to us.

    Why not admit to the issue, say sorry and give everyone some boosters. Yes some people will get more and some will get way less but at least it would resolve the issue more favourably.

  • Miko13016
    Miko13016 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Déjà signalé plusieurs fois directement depuis le jeu et aucune nouvelle

  • nathesi
    nathesi Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I did receive 20 of each booster in the meantime and some other things. It's not nearly what I lost, but at least it's something.

    I have no idea if they are giving these to everyone or just to the people who complained through player support because when I contacted them, they said the boosters would not be compensated and the message when I received it just said it was a gift.

    The moderators here are doing their best and they can't help this, but I'm still really annoyed with the communication from player support, who are basically telling people it's their own fault for collecting so many boosters.

    That being said, you really should take the moderators' advice and report your losses through player support, even though they are being assholes about it. Just reporting it here is probably not going to get you anything back.

  • FarmerB
    FarmerB Posts: 554

    Thank you @QueenB, I had already reported my issue more than once and didn't receive a helpful reply. In fact, from what I gathered by the many posts in this thread that actually talked with Support - it didn't seem like they were willing to help out in any way regarding the boosters. This is the very first time I have heard from anyone that they were specifically working to restore players back to their level and compensate some boosters, finally. This is part of the problem, we needed to hear something like that rather than canned email replies that weren't helpful, Support basically saying its our fault, mods just continually saying to report the issue (i know it's not your fault and perhaps you didn't have much information til now)...not once had anyone said anything like you did just now, honestly that's the kind of thing we needed to hear from the start. So I do thank you for your response and I hope you understand the frustration with the lack of communication by King.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?