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⭕ Farm Speed Test - Everything moves faster!

QueenB Posts: 15,779
edited March 2023 in Discussions

Howdy Farmers!

At King, we are constantly looking for ways to make our games more fun, interactive and challenging.

Whenever we create a new feature, we like to test it with a small group of players first to ensure they like it as much as we do.

To do this, we always have a randomly selected group of players test the feature and, based on their feedback, decide whether it's something we want to roll out to all our players.  

Some of you have been chosen to test a new Game Speed!

I want to reassure you that we are reading and taking notes of your feedback and will make sure to pass it on to the team 👍 

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⭕ Farm Speed Test - Everything moves faster! 100 votes

I prefer the original speed
SabrinaMSandra_ChevalierPing_2_2ms_tweetybirdthrillmygorillaswcompassionate[Deleted User]teeweipingkris8765ellenlundLiane31tarazandraNCinVAbiglizzywisialammeleLiv74nandrews22balonasulzâmbăreț177ThuyAn 22 votes
I enjoy playing with faster speed
Lady_ChooLaValeFranca_Marcemarce22Eva_TolarovákandisKrutovskyyElenaVoroname6412rebelchildRacoon7Terri_1ddecembersunFarmerBsaramoolisawilliams7402imankhaled092SzNLumiskell71gmailgeloolpugad 36 votes
I do not enjoy playing with the new speed
PummyRajencantespiaanderssonGidget1958carrotkingsbuster07gordan10mariogjyliUtopiasojaettaeKingJDPtilariumKGIBBArtemisMoonalicegalenmeeganmeeganGabri23shadesofblue07UrsulaPBloem72 22 votes
I stopped playing because of the change of the speed...(please comment why)
rock_111Marina8Agi23popsocks31mahoessencarton_cloud 6 votes
I have the original speed and I like it
ThmojeanpsBQN537nicsmacLa LeyCassDspoekieMniaaamiiShagunproappleseed589Jet1234XxanderElliskaCharmainezha 14 votes


  • debbiefarmheroone
    debbiefarmheroone Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited January 2023

    Hope someone can help. Got to level 3197 and the characters have suddenly started moving fast when I play!

    Almost as if it is in a fast forward mode! Can't work out why and how to return to the original speed.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    edited January 2023
    I enjoy playing with faster speed

    Hi @debbiefarmheroone and welcome to the community!

    This is a test our studio are running and you are lucky enough to see it 😊

    What are your thoughts now that you know its a test and not a glitch?

  • debbiefarmheroone
    debbiefarmheroone Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited January 2023

    Not keen to be honest. Attempts and games are over too quickly. Preferred the original pace.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    edited January 2023
    I enjoy playing with faster speed

    Thank you, I will pass your feedback on. If you have any more thoughts, give me a shout 🤗

  • ellenlund
    ellenlund Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited January 2023
    I prefer the original speed

    It has happened to me as well, I hate it :( It changes the nice pace of playing that I’m used to, stresses me out. Please change it back or make the speed setting optional!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    edited January 2023
    I enjoy playing with faster speed

    Welcome to our friendly community @ellenlund

    I haven't got it, so I haven't experianced it myself. Which parts are the faster parts? Once you made a match?

  • ellenlund
    ellenlund Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited January 2023
    I prefer the original speed

    Feels like everything moves faster, the webs clear and spiders jump in the blink of an eye, the bulls have hardly left their square before the poppy flicks out of existence. I haven’t played that many levels since this change but the only process I have previously felt was a bit slow is the clearing of minus-point cropsies. I like to have time to actually notice what’s happening, a big part of the reason why I like this game is the way I can play it at a comfortable pace.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited January 2023
    I do not enjoy playing with the new speed

    Hello Ellen 🤗 Hearty Welcome to our lovely Farm King Community!

    I understand what you are saying 👍️ I think the game being slow paced and detail with everything on the boars was one of the reasons for me to play Farm Heroes Saga 🤔

    I too did not receive the feature yet in my game! Hence, I am curious to know few more details...

    So, looks like the difference is very evidential with the blockers!! How about the Cropsies? When you make a 4 or 5 combo, do they move in fast pace too?

    Did you get a chance to play a Rancid level? How does "collecting cropsies" seem?

  • ellenlund
    ellenlund Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited January 2023
    I prefer the original speed

    Yes, I tried it on some levels I’ve already played, and the cropsies disappear super fast and flowers “unspin” themselves at a very high pace. I re-played my last Rancid level (3261) and the pace was just as high there. I really don’t think I will be playing that much until this is changed back :(

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,779
    edited January 2023

    Hi all 😃 I just wanted to reassure you that we are reading and taking notes of your feedback and will make sure to pass it on to the team 👍 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?