Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
If you're celebrating, how are you celebrating?
For this weeks contest you have three options!
Everyone that enters as stated above only, will get this badge
And that's not all. Five winners will each will 30 gold bars for your game.
Please make your stories original, no copying from others.
We look forward to reading them!
Contest ends 17:00 CEST Monday 19th June
Terms and Conditions here
@007jayc @10eke @abe_coffee @actipton80 @AmyLeigh78 @anacris65 @Ana_Manole @Angel1207 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @AidensMomma0404 @aijaziqbal @Bassin12 @bearwithme @bekicrusher @best_player @bosschick @Boombalatty @Bookster @BQN537 @BubbleGumSoda @Cagnes @candycrushinit@CassD @Cats4Caz @channie8 @christine88 @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @colorbombsprinkles @crabapple @cristhianinho @Croppy @cte32787 @Dada13 @Daddy123 @Darkstar @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @Deobella @DGenevieve @DieOmimi @dilli02 @donte06 @Doris_Koch @eggybean @Filly_McBean @floydgirls16 @funny1234@GetHanked @Grachuh @GranBarb @Greymane @haraikaria @hbic29 @hechicerilla @ItsTrish24
@imabearnut @janka879 @Jared_Buttry @jess94 @jeanps @jessortiz @JoJo75durham @Joy_21@JuLaCrafting @Julie_Andrews @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaosha1981 @kaitmr @KENTFIELDER@kdorr @kellygirl813 @kiara_wael @kingtrixi @KissesXOXO @Kochanie @Krefly @Lady_Choo @Lady_Sarina @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lhalha @lilac1015 @lilica7805 @lilikoikisses @lollyspears @LoveDachs @lubblady38 @Lynette @lynnetteS @mahdiealmahdie @MartaP @Mary211987 @me6412 @meemahh @Melbennett @MiaChristine @Monia040588 @MountainMom@Mr_Peely @MrKizart @mymeshell1975 @Moh1977
@Nat09@nguyenanhduy1591999 @Niunia88 @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim@pearl_chetna @Palash_Sarma @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @Pitty_Kitty @PuppaJudge @Racoon7 @rajdeeptb @rebelchild @rfjh5 @Rinno2013@RobinTruitt@RobinCorte@rosemariepahayo1 @Rosenrot @SabrinaM @Sameeksha3 @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @SBH@ShannonCriswell @sinalco @siruelita_1234 @Sofia1992@Star_11 @stokrotka @stingynina @Sukanta_Biswas @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @teresawallace44@thamby @Timhung @tkbm7872 @valio75av@wissem_smida @yonahselcy @wykoon @ZeOne @Werner_Cichy
@Hippie64 @SANNE1971 @Plumedargent @ainacio @Mary1968 @fandad @MetBob58 @cinacio @Lindamay66 @Grumpy_Old_Man @kagome77 @max12 @Lemurtek @EOTheGr8 @GlenysB @Spinnifix @Max65 @Owly123 @Matasot @misspink78 @kikiray23 @betchiegrl29 @ndaoz @deblg @Lala_Ogayar @beve61 @fabke @Havish @ElenaVorona @NRP @AaronMedina @4dardar @bramam @urskarecnik @Tory2020 @Mildred_2_2 @sueillidge @FarkasneKa2020 @Riri2 @Tasty_Cake @KCullen127 @laley @fabke @MiladyR @Marcemarce22 @Angel_Natasha @CerbeRus777 @GrammaGaming @Rowena63 @Magic_Mixer @Jon-7 @eugene @Coreena_Lilly @farm_lad @Dani05 @FarmerB @Jose65_6@jbsmith @llonark @maf34100 @LeFlarcane @Utopiaso @galaxyangel @BekkiC @Rose_Weber @Hell66 @Jelly_bean_hearts @Headless @jassy7881 @Bethel @tony55555@Marcemarce22 @Carrotlady @pratimadangol @spoc42 @Jonesi @spoekie @Sparky_2_2 @eightmilenkc @Nico4991 @luvaldez @gordan10 @pillow6 @MollyS @La Ley @Yuchu @lwhite267 @romeo1983
@ashilyas @Kiki_g @BuffaloGal57 @Halley_Cookie @RedaZayed @ashilyas @Gabrian_Diaz @Melanie_4823 @Pazcarolina0618 @namal_butt_01 @teeweiping @Amoonmoon @Thmo @Lisal6715 @Lumiskell71gmail @Maja_Nikolic @Nico_G @tynat03 @Terri_1 @avacamille @swcompassionate @OrdinaryChick1986 @secretcroplover @chuckanutly @Bellamy32 @Amcclurkin @merily @Xxander @Terri_1 @cdrake13 @Skittles73 @Wendiew @balonasulzâmbăreț177 @Tamara73 @ndd_2023 @aassim @Shagunpro @Princess_Jessica @Tanu_chauhan_1001 @EnergizerBunny
I'll never forget my first summer job 45 years ago. It was with my father when he was working in construction. hard work but so proud to work with him
@Lady_Choo, I choose option 1.
When I was about 10 years old, we (my sister and I) went to a strawberry field with my father to harvest strawberries. Background: I was terrified of spiders at the time.
I loved strawberries and whenever it's strawberry season, not a day goes by that I eat strawberries. Since I was such a strawberry sweet tooth, my father always asked us to close my eyes and open our mouths. There were always treats. So strawberries at strawberry time.
On this day more than 50 years ago, my father made this saying again: Close your eyes, open your mouth. Of course, I did that, hoping to get a delicious strawberry in my mouth. But it happened.... nothing. I opened my eyes again and got a shock. My father held a spider in such a way that he wanted to put it in my mouth.
This may sound like a horror story to some. But since that day I am no longer afraid of spiders.
I am still grateful to my father (he died last year at the age of 92) for that.
Regarding your 3rd question regarding Rancid: I would like the studio to expand the companions from the Farm Club. So the ones that could be collected at level 1110 the last time.
Hi, nice contest 😀
3. I'd like Rancid to do what Sprinkleshell does in Soda. After collecting an amount of specific cropsies, Rancid gets charged up and you can activate him to let him collect all cropsies of the type of your choice without wasting any move or booster. Then repeat the steps to charge up Rancid again and activate him throughout the "Rancid" level. You can collect cropsies quickly and make more points
Pretty cool 😎
@Lady_Choo In sweden we celebrate mother last sunday in may and father second sunday in november. So we have on in the spring and one in the autum.
My father past away last year. As of now I can´t remember any special moment. He was just every day father.
He loved the flower amaryllis so I bought that most of the time, that flower comes at the time of the year. But he sometime he had the old one left and got that one to blossom again. If he had the old one left I bought him candle with number so he could ligth them every sunday towards christmas.
About rancid becomin a father. He discovered that a family of racoons (rancid is a raccon?) had been in an accindent where the mother and father died so rancid adopted the children. So thats why he now don´t have the time to be around in the farm. He´s occuped raising the kids. For mee that answers both 2 and 3.
But about number 3. If we should comes whit ideas what he should do in the game. I could think that they create a new figure in the game. The rancid kids. Maybe like the sheeps levels. That we should collect rancid kids the same way. Or maybe like the bulls. But they should run into like the chilicropsie or the potatocropsie.
Otherwise little dieomimis suggestion that they close down the farm club house somehow. Either get levels so we can collect the last one or that they just remove the ? and gives the boosters to thoose that have collected all. If they create levels so we can collect them, the companion we get from that would be rancid. So instead of being in the way he now would be helping.
Pictures of what I used to buy for my father. The flower and somewhere how the candle looked like.
So a little like a cross between the companions and the colour collector boosters, but costs us no beans or gold? I like that 😁
I am sorry about your father @piaandersson , I like your answers though, especially rancid children.
I really like @Pitty_Kitty's idea.... let's keep Rancid and have him be helpful like Sprinkleshell 😉
Hi @Lady_Choo ,
Woah! I didn't know the studio were thinking to ditch Rancid, he is a pain and I think rather than lose him, @Pitty_Kitty suggestion is really good.
I have a meaningful card for my Dad and some dark chocolate teacakes. He has to watch his cholesterol, but loves a small treat. He is nearly 80 years old and still farming. He has overcome cancer, which took my beloved aunt, his dear sister, and his father at 40 years.
Option 1:
We never had much, growing up was on what we could do for ourselves and grow. My father would be lambing over Christmas and I remembering him always falling and being asleep on the floor as a child, and the orphan lambs in a cardboard box in front of the Ray-burn.
Farming has always been a way of life for us, my father lost his Dad at 14 and left school to help Gran sustain the farm and survive.
I always wanted to feel close to my father, as I child he was working, mum would say if we had been naughty and Dad (has a real temper) would punish us. He is scary! Even now!
But now I am with one with my father, and the dream I always wished for.
The day I got married, my relationship with my father changed. I am very lucky, my thoughts to all of you💜
I chose Option 1. My dad passed away around 2 1/2 years ago and I think about him every single day. When my oldest son was six months old, I needed surgery. For some reason, my dad was the only person available to be with me and take care of my baby until my husband got off of work. He was so comically inept at changing diapers, etc., my heart melts every time I recall it ❤