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Very positive. Saves much time.
I dont like the New mode
A long time ago hero mode was an option extra but didn’t need to be taken. This new idea of having it forced, especially when playing quests, is unacceptable.
This has honestly ruined the game for me. As others have said, I could have ended with three stars for the level of I could have made my own hero moves but now I have to watch them being stolen. Terrible, please bring back the original game play
Hate hate hate!
@ayesoh Can you share with us what you don't like?
Welcome to the community @farmergal125 and @Nicki_Carmody do you have any ideas how they could improve it? (Other than cancelling it as it is a test so we cannot say if/when it will stop)
I hate the update made on Hero Moves. Please revert back to the old version of Hero Moves. I prefer to make my own moves because it allows me to use cropsies and boosters to earn more points and stars. I feel jipped! Hate it, please put it back to how it was. Please!!
I prefer to make my own matches in the hero mode rather than skipping and loosing any moves left
My name is Alejandro Daniel Ibrahim, I play with Facebook account, I need keep out this mode right now because that is a most wrong decision for the programmer, skip hero mode destroy the emotion for the game, losing a lot of points, I'm disagree and I need return to the before best mode, pls right now, ty
Mine too! I'm thinking about uninstalling the game. It's hard to get to 3 stars on a level anymore. They took the fun out of it for me when they made this change. ☹️