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🌟 Exciting News for Fellow Farm Heroes Enthusiasts - New & Improved Hero Mode



  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,876
    edited October 2023

    1 move left and it didn’t change the amount of stars ⭐️ with Amelia.

    Bring back the original hero mode or have an option button 🚜🤠

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781
    edited October 2023

    There WAS a skip hero mode button awhile back. I had it in my game. I liked it. Many times I didn't need to collect certain cropsies for a competition or the 1-2-3 grow, or to get a large number of points. The skip button saved me from playing several more moves that I didn't need. But I would like the option back to be able to choose.

    And you shouldn't stay out of the conversation, because your opinion counts

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    My skip button never worked! I didn't think anyone's did from what they said.

    Just bear in mind it's not automatically going to give us 3 stars.. just like the old hero mode didn't. Some levels are that stupidly hard 😡

  • carrotkings
    carrotkings Posts: 26

    Level 3

    @piaandersson Exactly the point, thank you, You have said it all, 👏👏👏👏.for some of us that still think even this new version is just not the thing,and yes i want to play for 123 and a higher score i want to reach.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    @QueenB feedback from my daughter who isn't in the community.

    "I much prefer it to the version we had before this. Now it takes away more cropsies which means it gives more room for cropsies to fall and potentially make more matches up. I'm getting more stars now"

    can I also point out another view too. One of the grumbles is that the crops are chosen for us. Unless you have a lot of lives left and had cascading crops, you don't have many points on the cropsies.

    if you have 6 moves left you had 6 moves. You were not always guaranteed to take away the crops you needed with those moves so on harder levels, you still got 1 star.

    This way he zaps a load of cropsies with 9 points meaning that you are guaranteed more points. The more moves you have left, the better.

    Clearly it still needs work if it's not taking the suns or water when 1,2,3 grow is on but point wise it's getting better.

    looking back at the old way and constantly asking for it back isn't going to make any difference if they are determined to carry on the new way so we need to keep giving constructive feedback to get it better.

    That's my take on it.

    Im still sore over Activision cancelling paradise bay so I know they don't always do what we want them to do. So we need to make the best of it.

    the community voice is a very tiny % of their feedback. I can't remember exactly how small it was but it didn't even make up 1% of their players so the fact they listen to us at all really is amazing.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,742

    Hi @QueenB the newer version of Hero Mode is better in as much as it gives you more points especially the more moves you have left over. However more importantly we still don't have the ability to select which cropsies we want to collect with this Hero Mode, which along with points, was the main reason why so many players disliked this new feature.

    I had a skip mode with the old version of Hero Mode which worked well, and gave a player a choice of whether they needed to use their remaining moves for events, such as tournaments, grow a cropsie, or to finish the game quickly.

    I appreciate that the New Hero Mode is here to stay, despite players preferring the old one, and that adjustments can be made to the New Version.

    Therefore having a skip option for the new version (as it has already condensed the end of a game) is pointless.

    However I would like to see an option where we could select a cropsie to be collected in hero mode.

    What are the improvements we have made?

    You've said: "Hero mode doesn't capture the cropsies we need to earn rewards."

    We did: In the next version of the Hero Mode, Suns, Waters, and special cropsies will be collected, helping players to have an amazing performance in events like the 1-2-3 Grow.

    You said: "It is harder to make 3 score and collect the farm companions"

    We did: The score multiplier will be bigger, increasing your chances of making 3 stars when you reach Hero Mode! With this change, reaching the Hero Mode with a lot of moves will increase by a lot your chances of making 3 stars!

    You said: "In Hero Mode I could strategise to capture the cropsies that I want and wasn't part of the goal"

    We did: The new hero mode will focus on ALL of the cropsies, not only the ones that are part of the goal. So, you can just relax and let Hunter collect everything that you need to Grow your 1-2-3 Grow pet Cropsie, Delivery all the orders on the Farmer's Market, and so on.

    Basically, Hero Mode is more powerful and it will help players to reach 3 stars more often, and also to succeed in some events.

    I haven't played many levels yet and have not had the Farmers Market event since this new test.

    As regards the statements above, I believe the second one has been catered for, yet the first and second have not.

    For example: I have just completed level 3242. Goal - 20 grass/22 ice/100 mushrooms/120 carrots

    Also available in the game were the cropsies onions and suns.

    I completed this level and had Hero Mode. Hero mode targeted the carrot cropsie, which was of no use to me as I haven't currently got a tournament or Farmers Market.

    What I would have selected would have been Suns! because I am still collecting suns and raindrops for my cropsie towards GB.

    I am not good at explaining, but hope you will understand what I mean.

    If the statement was true then this would be a great addition, hopefully I will have Farmers Market and could see how it works there.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @QueenB🤗

    I have completed a full episode on regular Map and half of the Pumpkin Party event!!

    I am happy to say that I am loving the new change!! Most of my levels have 3 stars now, as the "new" Hero Mode is very generous🤩🤩

    But, it works only on the cropsies that are the "goals"!! So, like our Farmers mentioned, when🌞 and 💧are not the "goals", we cannot collect them to help us to grow our 123 Cropsie!!

    Can the Studio do something about it??

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    So we have had it for a little while now @QueenB I have been able to get 3 stars on many levels and it helps for the 1,2,3 but like others have said, it would be nice to have the abillity to collect them when they are not the requirememnts for the 1,2,3. Otherwise, I am happy with it!

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032

    @QueenB I would like to know the status on hero mode now when it had been tested for a couple of month. Is it still that some have the first, bad, version and some have this new test version. That I´m asking. I might have to get me a new phone. But I don´t want the first bad version. This that is tested is better but prefered not to have that either if it still is at has been written. So need to know what the status is.

    And to others. Don´t know if I have to tag you that have tested this version. Is it still as it have written here that you only get crops that should be collected or have it changed. How do you think/feel about it now when you have tested it.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?