Collect flowers for rewards!
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Hi Mel @mel21🤗 A Warm Welcome back to the Farm Community!
I am sorry to hear that the Hidden Garden has been causing issues again in your game!
Last time when we complained, it was taken care of! I am sorry that it has returned 🙁
I am sorry if this sounds repeating… can you please tell me which device you are using and the version you have right now?
Hiya Thanks for your prompt repiy. I dont know if you have seen my up date on the problem. The grass does eventually clear but it is very very slow clearing.It takes about !0 minures for the grass to clear
Thanks Mel
Hi Mel 🤗
Yes, I saw that! But, it should not do that 😅
That was reason aI was asking for the details💜
Hiya I am playing on a chromebook. The version I am playing I dont know. Where do I find that out please.
Thanks Mel
Hiya Sorry to contact you again. Problems with the Hidden Garden again. After clearing all the grass you do not get the prize. Can this be sorted out please
Thanks Mel
Hi Mel🤗
I have reported this issue to our Community In-charge! But, we haven't heard anything as of yesterday and they are not at work due to the weekend!
Unfortunately, you will have to bear this inconvenience till tomorrow (until the timer runs out)! Hopefully, the game team will send in a fix soon!
I am so sorry that I am not much of a help with the issue😢
Thanks for your teply. The problems on Hiddrn Garden has been going on for a.while now. Dont they check for glitches as it seems to me that they dont check. Another problem is when you go to close the game the x dont either so you have to close the game completely and ooen it up again. Can this be sorted as well please
Thanks Mel
They are aware about this issue as you have reported it couple of weeks ago and I too had this issue in my game.
You must have noticed that this feature just came into the game! All the new features will be in test mode and the players that receive these "testing" features will be experiencing these glitches until they improve the feature.
Whenever I receive a new feature, I feel proud that I am helping to "better" the feature😅😅
Ok thanks for reply. On Candy Crush saga they have a very similar contest and no problems what so ever on that. So is it a different team dealing with the two games.
Thanks Mel
That's correct, Mel! The game Studios that create the games, handle the issues are differ for each King Saga game.
I am glad to know that Baker's Box was working fine in your game! Myself and many others were experiencing glitch just as in Farm Heroes Saga!