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Level 1
This game is getting less fun and I'm becoming uninterested in playing now that our "bean boosters" are gone. I miss the ability to ise beans to purchase the flower grower, egg cracker, etc. What person decided that it was a great idea to remove them? Why even earn beans now? Very frustrating. And I know that the developers and game engineers don't care and aren't reading this, but I needed to vent.
hi there! I feel absolutely the same as you and have same problem. I also wrote a post when i was telling to admin that is kind of unfear and i ask (OMG with three “!!!”) why for some one this levele companions a still available and for some one is not? And you know what they a doing?they closed my conversation and deleted all messages and rename the post from “back animal booster back right now”” to “the rules of
Our community is to be kind and blah blah…”
this is soooo undemocratic that a shoked. They sad “we sent your feedback to developers” but they delited my feedback
Total lush disappointed in this game and forum and other sing
Fell sorry about your situation
Not to seem anything but I must tell you that every forum has it's rules. Every forum encourages healthy conversations. I mean you shouldn't be rude or something like that. You should complain about the matter in a normal way. Don't use rude words. About your matter, moderator(s) and other players including me already replied to you that they randomly selected a few people and put into a group and running some test. That's why companions disappeared. For those people who got selected were kind of unlucky, I must say. But this won't go forever. So, be patient. Give them a little time. Wait and see how it would turn out. Meanwhile, why not play Candy Crush Saga? I always change the game while I'm waiting. 😁😁😁
Again, I'm so sorry to hear that companions are gone in your account. That's really, really the worst thing that could ever happen. I was in the same condition, sort of. I was in the same condition with boosters. I forgot my password and reset my password. When I logged back in, all of my boosters are gone. So, I know your feeling.
thanks for your support and advice! I dont remember if i use the rude words in my message, it was emotional but without Insults. And I surprised that they deleted messages, but ok.
I think, when i for example forgot my password o loose progress in game - that absolutely my fault. But wneh I playing for years in that game, pay some money for it and they (developers) decided to test something and remove the companions with explanations “sorry it test for some group” - its not okey and its not an explanation. If I wanted to be patient, I wouldn't buy bonuses for money in this game. And now I'm stuck without companions and I can't even use my Golden Pass. Maybe someone will buy me a new one, since tests are being conducted for some group, where is the compensation for the time the players missed? Sorry if this question seems to rude. But i will say it anyway again again and again that situation with companies totally a not okey. And the admin should know about it. Even if they blocked me it worth it.
As for me I just don’t play in candy saga or other games, farm heroes was the only one💔
But after this situation and after i see how the developers even don’t matter about there players…well good luck.
still dissatisfied.
but thank you for your kind support!
I also am in the middle of a golden pass ticket, 10 more levels to go, and my companion animals have removed and now I can barely move to gain anymore golden pass rewards. The pass will end before I can complete., so I'm bummed. Also, I don't see my comments anymore asking to please bring them back. I'm passed level 5000.
I understand your frustration. But venting your anger isn't the solution. That's what I really want to talk about. Anyway, yeah, it's totally King's fault that they selected random people to test. Maybe, they should create some accounts of their own and use those accounts to test, not the real players. Like a test group. They should keep a test team on their own and carry on those tests that they want within the group. That would be more convenient to everybody.
This companion disappearance case is flooding in the whole forum, so, I think King would have seen this. I think they will make it a bit quicker than before. Can you just give them a little time and wait for a while? I mean not everything is done in a single step anyway. And also, you can't do anything except venting your anger all over the forum. So, please be patient. When everything is over, you can try to ask for compensation you want. If you are still unsatisfied then, you can choose not to spend money on this thing ever again.
My companion levels stopped about 2 years ago!!! And now grower, hitter, ignitor booster bar has gone too. AND I have just collected 12 bars of gold in cropsy and they have NOT been awarded to me. I lost all my horse bonus and gold bars I'd won because 1 level is ludicrous to do with the moves you have. Absolutely disgusting!! King are cheating us out of bonuses we have earned and will post as such an on social media!!
Hey everyone in here!
To be clear @JuliaMiller we do appreciate the feedback, but as long as it follows our House Rules.
As for the companions, which are being referred to in this thread start - I want to also note that I've personally gathered all of the feedback from the players and I've been talking to the studio about your reactions.
While I can't promise anything, the studio is very aware, and as they've done in the past - they will take a look and see what they can do to continue to help make Farm a fun game to play.
As for the reasoning to why this sort of test happened, the studio looks at many things in Farm - which has many different features. In November for example, many new features were introduced like Minigames, New Boosters and Shiny Cropsies. With this in mind the studio tries to find a good balance in how to make the game feel new and fresh while players are progressing through the levels.
That being said, everyone can't be right at all times, and that's why we appreciate your feedback - I'm sure that the studio will do their best moving forward thanks to you all sharing your opinions. 🤗
Tagging the others here for visibility as well: @Lisakbz @UnhappyBunny @aishuidexiaogongzhu
i would argue it is good that they are using the players (as someone who also had thier companions removed)
its why the MCs even have opinions coming from us, the devs care enough to have us judge the change for them, because you cant really see if something is good/better if you just go by your view, maybe someone has a different view that many be very beneficial to listen to, aka us the players.
because one way companies get money is from us, and as good devs, they are willing to lsiten to their audiance so they cam max their profits. so i am all for them doing test with the players, it feels like we are involved in their game making prosses, and we get to be closer to the devs, and tell them if something works/dosent works
If you say it's okay, then it's okay because it's only you who got companions removed, not me. So, I'm totally fine with it. I just said that because a lot of people are complaining about it. Anyway, if people are okay with it, then I have nothing to say.
Good I still have the companions, so I can collect boosters via the quests. But, the companions are not always a help, they can also spoil your plans collecting sheep and moonseeds if you choose for instance a grower for 90 beans which is also a producer.
I personally think, before every test the player should be informed and asked if he or she is ready or not, like before the now ongoing beautiful giving season where you clicked ok that you are ready :)
Btw unfortunately I can't play starry night. But worse what happened to me long time ago, I lost all boosters which I collected via events levels to compete the difficult levels from 5'000 up.